Hyper Speed Arcade Racing 91KB
Super Yaht Strategy 26KB
Operation Kugelhagel Action 140KB
Space Invaders TXT Action 11KB
Show-Down Action 139KB
Money Manager 1.0 Finances Administration130KB
PolyDraw 1.0 Drawing Program90KB
Virtus_Architecture_lt 3D Cad70KB
Rent-It Administration10KB

Note: this software, of course, is Freeware. But be aware of the fact, that these programs are a kind of experiment and consequently just a few kilobytes in size to reach an acceptable transfer rate, so don't expect too much.
But great software is coming up (have a look at the HerwigSoft Page).

If you're having problems with Pascal, Delphi 3, C++ (etc.) or if you just wanna know something about source codes
and algorithms (or if you just want to tell me something else), you can send me an e-mail (footnote on the main page
includes address) and I'll try hard to find a solution to your requests.

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