- 02/26/00 13:21:13 Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
"Man is what he believes."
- Anton Chekhov (1860-1904)
Russian novelist and dramatist
"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not,
you are right."
- Henry Ford
"Man is not the sum of what he is but the
totality of what he might be."
- Anonymous
JTR - 02/26/00 13:15:51
My Email:brainclub
Hi Sheri
(Sheri is Andy's wife)
Sheri S.K. Neal - 02/17/00 16:09:39
My Email:msneal@earthlink.net
calgirl99 - 11/16/99 03:28:51
Hello Brain..........kisses from cal
calgirl - 11/04/99 05:17:52
Hello Zu...........new there was a reason i loved NY!
Site looks interesting, i will let u no
jtr - 09/05/99 08:24:48
free winzip software:
Surak of Vulcan - 08/28/99 16:45:18
Wide experience increases wisdom..
provided the experience is not sought..
purely for the stimulation of the senses.
me - 07/03/99 15:42:54
Give each letter of the alphabet a number, a=1, b=2, etc.
If you add up the letters of the alphabet in the word "Attitude"
this is the result:
A = 1
T = 20
T = 20
I = 9
T = 20
U = 21
D = 4
E = 5
Attitude is 100%
- 06/03/99 04:13:25
In order to discover who you are,...
first learn who everybody else is;
You're what's left!
Quotes - 06/03/99 04:12:32
"Wise men don't need advice.
Fools don't take it."
- Ben Franklin
"Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter
quite like unrequited love."
- Charlie Brown
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done
without hope and confidence."
- Helen Keller
"One can never content to creep
when one feels an impulse to soar."
- Helen Keller
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool
than to open one's
mouth and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
"A set back is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
- Henry Ford
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence is therefore not
an act, but a habit."
- Aristotle
"Often the difference between a successful marriage
and a mediocre one
consists of leaving about three or four things a day unsaid."
- Harlan Miller
"Marriage is a great institution,
but I'm not ready for an institution yet."
- Mae West
"There is more credit and satisfaction
in being a first-rate truck driver
than a tenth-rate executive."
- B. C. Forbes
Ashley - 06/01/99 05:17:49
My Email:ashukayr@swbell.net
Luv the site!!! I like pages that stimulate the mind (Mostly because I am a complete nerd).
- 04/14/99 01:16:46
Give me a plunger the size of the Astrodome
and a place to stand,
...and I will drain the world!
The Mantella - 04/09/99 03:21:57
My Email:anolis@email.com
If you drop your keys into a river of molten lava
it's best to just let them go, because hey man, there gone.
Yoda(Jedi Master) - 04/04/99 23:35:42
A brain is a terrible thing to taste.
Dennis - 03/29/99 00:06:53
My URL:/paris/chateau/5530
My Email:him3n1@yahoo.com
if you would like to chat sometime. Just email me and let me know where i can find you. I can uaually be found @ yahoo under the name him3n1,or
him_oo7,or Dr sum_ping_wong. Aloha for now.
Owe Alexander Nilsen - 03/27/99 14:44:23
My Email:Hubro@hotmail.com
I don't have a guinea pig, it doesn't bother me.
I would like to have a ferret, now that would be cool.
ROY HELGE - 03/18/99 16:00:07
Life is like a snowman, a little gasoline and a match and your in deep shit...
Or like a piece of grass, when you see the hoards of sheep closing, you wish you werent small and green. My motto: Today is a bad day to die...
Cool page by the way...
Vara (Robert Lawson) - 03/17/99 22:15:51
My Email:Vajra720@aol.com
Well, as for the astroid that is supposed to barely miss the Earth, it is very well possible for such a thing to happen, but it will have to be going extremely fast to escape the Earth's gravitational pull. Not that Earth's gravitational pull is strong, i
s just that its a small little rock and Earth is a planet. It could hit.
Dennis - 03/14/99 20:19:25
My Email:him3n1@yahoo.com
some boys go to college. I think they all are wussie's. They get all the knowledge and i get all the.....what were you thinking! shame on you!
Yoda(Jedi Master) - 03/13/99 01:52:14
My Email:9999t@email.com
I have no wisdom to share with the world today. Maybe tomorrow.
me - 02/19/99 23:20:24
I wonder what country this server is in...
time is now 6:09 pm (18:09) in NY
JTR - 02/19/99 23:15:45
GOOD... We were going to put up a "have you seen this brain?" poster...
Roy Helge Nilsen - 02/19/99 09:35:50
My Email:Spillball@hotmail.com
Nevermind, I found it...
Roy Helge - 02/16/99 14:47:13
has anyone found my brain? I lost it recently..... please reply...
Barbara - 12/04/98 01:52:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/8910/index.html
My Email:yellowrose33@cybergal.com
Very nice page....I'll have to check the rest out later....
kathrin östergren - 11/04/98 12:16:36
My Email:kathrin_86@hotmail.com
í´m sow soory for every thing
- 09/15/98 04:24:33
- 09/05/98 17:44:56
- 08/19/98 05:23:11
JTR - 03/14/98 22:21:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/2001/
My Email:brainclub@geocities .com
What do you think about the asteroid that is supposed to barely miss the earth?
john - 01/02/98 16:42:19
My Email:jtrpro@aol.com
cool test