Anand R. Prasad, Senior Member IEEE and Member of ACM, is an expert in NEC. Before that he lead the network level security models team as a manager at DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Munich, Germany. He has more than 10 years of professional experience in the wireless networking industry. He received his Ph.D. degree on WLANs: protocols, security and deployment and MSc (Ir.) degree in the field of Self Similarity in ATM Network Traffic from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 2003 and 1996, respectively. From 1996 to 1998 he worked as research engineer, developing embedded system solutions like ARQ & MAC, and later as project leader of software modem group in Uniden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. From 1998 to 2000, he was distinguished member of technical staff and worked as systems architect for IEEE 802.11 based WLANs (WaveLAN and ORiNOCO) in Lucent Technologies, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, where he designed 802.11 products and participated in 802.11 standardization. Subsequently, he was technical director at Genista Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, leading activities on perceptual QoS based RRM for mobile systems, and technical/business advisor of PCOM:I3, Aalborg, Denmark. He was a voting member of IEEE 802.11 and he is an active participant of 3GPP. In addition to his publications in journals, international conferences and chapters in books, he has 25 patent applications in the field of wireless communications and networking. He has co-edited a book titled “WLAN Systems and Wireless IP for Next Generation Communications”, published 2002, and co-authored two books one titled “Wireless LANs and Wireless IP: Security, Mobility, QoS and Mobile Network Integration” and the other titled “Security for Mobile Networks and Platforms” published on 2005 and 2006 respectively. He has participated in organization of several International Conferences including VTC, PIMRC, ACM WMASH and WPMC. He is a General co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2007. He was a guest editor of a special issue on “Security for Next Generation Communications” of Kluwer International Journal on Wireless Personal Communications and he is a guest editor of a special issue on “Seamless Handover in Next Generation Wireless/Mobile Communications” of Springer International Journal on Wireless Personal Communications to be published Q1 2007.

Prasad Communications