1. As part of the work for my MPhil (Higher Education) programme, I have done a study on the challenges to practices in the assessment and evaluation of undergraduate earth science learners posed by issues of complexity and new modes of knowledge production. This was coupled to a case study on examination validity in undergraduate earth science programmes.
2. I am working on developing assessment models for BSc Honours level projects and miniprojects in earth sciences. This is being done in the light of the challenges posed by new modes of knowledge production.
Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions
I have also studied evaluation at institutional level, culminating in a submission to the Department of Education on the SA Council On Higher Education's Size and Shape Task Team report on restructuring the SA higher education system.
Documents:Love, D
2000. Repositioning in a "Differentiated National System" Document
prepared for Institutional Forum Task Group on Institutional Planning,
Love, D
and Malan, YH 2000. Submission made to the Department of Education on the
Council on Higher Education’s Size and Shape of Higher Education Task Team
Report Towards a New Higher Education Landscape: Meeting the Equity, Quality
and Social Development Imperatives of South Africa in the 21st Century, 14
September 2000, 19p