PhD in
PhD Thesis Title: MODELLING OF
for PhD Thesis (archived under Australian Digital Theses Program)
If you would like to see the summary and glossary of terms, please download Front.pdf . 193 KB
If you would like to know about wood drying in general, please download Chapter 1. 1.45 MB
For wood physical, mechanical and transport properties, please download Chapter 2. 539 KB
For drying schedules and how to develop optimised schedule, please download Chapter 3. 459 KB
For research studies on solar kiln around the world and how to develop a mathematical model of solar kilns, please download Chapter 4. 460 KB
For model simulation and validation of a solar kiln, please download Chapter 5. 3.49 MB
For Conclusions and future recommendations,
please download Chapter
6. 118 KB
When I was completing my MSc my target was to find an opportunity for a PhD. When I was in the UK, I found an advertisement for a postgraduate scholarship opportunity at the University of Sydney. It was an open competetion for international and home students. I applied for that scholarship. My supervisor Associate Professor Tim Langrish in the Department of Chemical Engineering was on sabbatical leave at Oxford at that time. He called me for an interview and told that he will let me know the outcome in course of time. Afterwards we had infrequent commnication. I was not sure about the result of my application. My weakness for this project was the lack of knowledge in engineering and particularly chemical and process engineering. My advantage was the background of forestry and wood technology and an outstanding academic record. I went back home in December 1997 in Bangladesh after my MSc and I started my academic life again in Khulna. After a couple of months I got the results that finally I was awarded the scholarship from the University of Sydney. My supervisor told me that this project requires both background in wood technology and chemical engineering which I will have to cover up. At that time I could not realize how chemical engineering can come into the field of timber drying and wood technology.
In my first year and I had done some course work in chemical engineering with the literature review, experimental planning and other research responsibilities of my PhD project. I did these courses in chemical engineering: Introductory Chemical and Process Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Engineering Computations, Process Modelling, Advanced Process Control. I had to learn some computer programing languages like Fortran and Matlab. I also learnt some basics of Unix operating system, graphics software e.g. Canvas, Autosketch etc. It was really hard for me initially. However, I now realize the relation of drying and chemical engineering, as drying is basically a coupled heat and mass transfer process. In the later stage of the learning process, I needed to learn a lot of other things, e.g. modelling and simulation works, basic electronic instrumentation, operation of a small pilot and laboratory scale drying tunnel, the mechanisms and details of various sensors (temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind etc.), electronic data logging and acquisition system with the hardware and their management software. Then I was in a comfortable position to complete my PhD project. Learning all these bits and pieces and relating those to my previous knowledge, skills and experiences has become worthwhile and valuable in my career. From my second year I was appointed a tutor for chemical engineering students.
Major responsibilities for my PhD study: modelling and simulation of an industrial drier using Fortran and Matlab programs and Unix platform on a DEC-Alpha Workstation; conducting and managing field research on computer-controlled industrial drying of timber; preparing research papers for publishing in the scientific journals and reports for the sponsor (Boral Ltd, Boral Timber Division is the largest hardwood processor in Australia) of a four-year applied research project; using and setting up of an electronic data logging and acquisition system using various sensors (solar, wind, temperature and humidity) in the laboratory and industry.
Some of the IT skills I gained during my BSc, MSc and Phd Studies are shown below:
Completed courses on Computer programming, Information Skills and Information Technology as a part of BSc and MSc degree.
Hardware Experience
IBM PC, DEC-Alphastation
Datataker Datalogger System and associated hardware.
Software |
Level |
Operating System: DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX |
Advanced |
General purpose software: MS Word, Excell, Powerpoint 2000 |
Advanced |
Graphics: Canvas, Autosketch |
Advanced |
Languages: Fortran, Matlab C++, Python Java |
Advanced Working knowledge Beginner |
Web Design:
Dreamweaver HTML, XML |
Beginner Advanced |
Application software
for sensors and electronic data logging and acquisition
From 4th July 2007, I have accepted an indefinite position to work as a Research Scientist (Process Modelling) at CSIRO Division of Minerals.
Currently my main research interest is in the area of:
I am currently working in Biomass in Iron and Steel Industry project.
One of the projects I was involved in, was broadcast by Australian Channel Ten TV on 25 August 2008, featuring my colleague Carboard Briquettes and coverage by the local press "King Island Courier" - file size 534 KB. Link for this research study Carboard Briquettes.
I am also involved with CSIRO co-ordinated Scientists in Schools program that promotes science education in primary and secondary schools (free of cost), helps to engage and motivate students in their learning of science, and broadens awareness of the types and variety of exciting careers available in the sciences. I have got a Certificate of Appreciation from Killester College, Melbourne.
I was selected and attended Science Meets Parliament program 2009 organised by Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies. As part of this program, I met two members of the House of Representatives at the Australian Parliament House to present about our research program.
Just after submission of my Ph.D. thesis at the
end of March 2002, I was offered a permanent research position at Forest Research (NZ Government's one
of the Crown Research Institutes). After
moving in NZ from Australia on 15 May 2002, my position title was
Materials Scientist. My role was to generate the fundamental wood/moisture
knowledge to allow the modeling and computer simulation of wood drying to optimise
commercial processing of timber. I had to contribute in the development of
prediction tools, mathematical models and software using chemical and process
engineering knowledge for application in high temperature drying kilns for
timber processing industries. I needed to develop and expand models to explain the
behaviour of solid wood and biofibre-based composite panel products when exposed
to changing environmental conditions in service. I utilised advanced material
knowledge to optimise commercial processes for the manufacture of wood-based
products. I needed to provide support to other fundamental and applied research
projects, within and outside the Drying Group in New Zealand Forest Research
From July 2004, NZ Forest Research Institute (rebranded as Scion) and Australian CSIRO Forestry & Forest Products Division formed a joint venture Ensis. I was Seconded to work at ensis Australia, Clayton, Melbourne Site of CSIRO FFP from 1st April 2005 to 3rd July 2007.
Major Products of Drying Group:
Dryspec: Popular commercial kiln-control software used by softwood timber processing companies in Australia, NZ, Chile, South Africa and elsewhere.
Dryline: Moisture end-point determination software used by softwood timber processing companies in Australia, NZ, Chile, South Africa and elsewhere.
Dryspec & Dryline have been developed and supported by Forest Research and marketted by Windsor Engineering Group Ltd based in Wellington.
MContent: Moisture content analysis software.
Multiclient Drying Group: Industries from Australia, NZ, Chile, North America, Africa, Europe support this research group. Industries select topic and we report results of research projects twice a year.
Drying Modelling & Simulation: One or Two Dimensional Single-Board Drying models and Kiln-model can be used to assess process variables applied in Kiln drying. These models were originally developed by Professor Roger Keey and Associate Professor Shusheng Pang (a former FR Scientist) currently at the University of Canterbury with contributions from Associate Professor Tim Langrish at the University of Sydney.
This is for information only and is not official release of Ensis. Please use following link to access more information about drying research within ensis.
to Explore Research in Timber Drying at Ensis
I was an active member of the Environmental Engineering research group in Chemical Engineering department of Sydney University. I got some interest in LCA and I was interested to conduct research in this area. I wanted to apply LCA in wood processing and Forest Industry sector.
Life-Cycle Assessment is a process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a products, process, or activity by identifying and quantifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the environment; to assess the impact of those energy and material uses and releases to the environment; and to identify and evaluate opportunities to affect environmental improvements. The assessment includes the entire life-cycle of the product, process, or activity, encompassing extracting and processing raw materials; manufacturing; transportation and distribution; use, reuse, maintenance; recycling, and final disposal (Sociey of Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry, 1991).
Forest certification or timber certification issue has been a concern in the timber trade globally. Ecologically sustainable forest management has become an important issue recently. Forest has a significant role on the environment. Forests meet not only human needs like timber and other tangible products but also many intangible benefits and services. For example, soil and environmental conservation, carbon sequestration, wildlife, catchment protection, and maintaining water quality are some of examples of benefits and services that are difficult to measure in terms of monetary value. However, these values are important factors for managing forests. A component in forest certification is called “chain of custody” (a process by which the source of a timber product is verified). In order for products originating from certified sources (sustainably managed natural forests or plantations) to be eligible to carry some trademarks or labels, the timber has to be tracked from the forest through all the steps of the production process until it reaches the end user. Only when this tracking has been independently verified is the product eligible to carry the certified product logo or label. A complete labelling system is necessary for the products under stiffer environmental regulations and emerging market for certified products. Though it is rare to see this “chain of custody” concept being used in forestry companies recently, the trend is increasing in the international market. LCA methodology can be used as an effective tool in environmental decision making and in the certification process of forest products.
Click LCA application in Forestry presentation by Nawshad Haque - 144 KB
Conventional Kiln Drying (Low Temperature Drying of Hardwoods & High Temperature Drying of Softwoods)
Wood is a better material once it is dried. The
main objective of timber drying is to reduce the moisture content of the
material down to equilibrium with a particular environment, where it will
eventually be used. The ultimate goal is to dry timber as quickly as possible
with little or no defects. Timber drying has become an inevitable part of
sawmlling industries to add value to their sawn products. According to a recent
report, unseasoned hardwood that is sold at about $500/m3 or less,
would increase in value to $1500/m3 or more after drying and
processing. Though cost may increase by about 30-50% for drying and further
processing, revenue may increase three times or more. However, current drying
processes often result in significant quality problems from cracking, both
externally and internally, reducing the value of the product. As an example, in
Queensland alone, assuming that 10% of the dried softwood is devalued by
$200/m3 because of drying defects, sawmillers are losing about $5
million per annum in that State alone. Australia-wide this could be $40 million
per annum for softwood and an equal or higher amount for hardwood.
Industrial kiln drying has been popular in
different parts of the world because of the faster throughput. However, good
operating practice is very important in kiln drying. A thorough understanding of
factors such as air circulation across the timber surface, air temperature,
relative humidity of the air and wood structure is essential for producing
distortion-free good-quality timber. When the timber is dried in a kiln, a
moisture gradient is set up inside the timber as moisture from the innermost
part comes gradually to the surface. The drying rate should be controlled to
avoid steep moisture gradients. The steep moisture gradient between the core and
the shell or case of the timber board causes excessive stresses, leading to various types
of degradation in the wood.
Wood is a very complex substance from the
structural point of view and variable in nature. Wood structure, biological
variability, wood-moisture relationship and the flow of liquid and gases (fluid)
through wood need to be well understood before applying a sequence of conditions
for temperature and humidity (called a drying schedule) inside a drying kiln.
Specific schedules should be used to control the temperature and humidity in
accordance with the moisture and stress situation within the wood to minimise
the shrinkage caused and other defects. Drying defects can be largely eliminated
by good practice in kiln drying. There is a potential for the implementation of
optimised drying schedule that can minimise the stresses while maximise the
throughput. Research is in progress on optimised drying schedule.
My approach is to develop optimised schedule using modelling and simulation approach. A drying model is used to predict drying rate and a stress model is used to predict developed stress during drying. The optimisation program dries timber as fast as possible constrained by a stress below a limiting value. If the developed stress is above this value, wood is likely to develop surface & internal checks, warp, twist and other forms of degradation.
Optimised schedules developed using this method can be tested in the laboratory and after industrial trials, can be implemented on industrial scale. This method is novel and most quickest way to develop drying schedules and can reduce the amount of time, money and risk involved using traditional trial and error approach.
Solar Kiln Drying
Research has been conducted into solar kilns
for timber drying in many countries around the world since the 1960s. This has
led to the commercial use and availability of solar kilns in the timber industry
over recent years. Current challenges for the Australian timber industry in the
field of timber drying are to increase the productivity and to improve the
quality of dried timber. The green moisture content of freshly-sawn eucalyptus
boards (the most common hardwoods in Australia) is usually in the range of
55-90% (dry basis). Freshly sawn hardwood boards (38-50mm thick) are air-dried
for about a year to reduce the moisture contents to 25-35%. The air-dried boards
are finally dried in conventional kilns to 8-10% moisture content in a few days.
Thus it is necessary to maintain a large timber stock for significantly long
time. Though the cost of land rental is moderately large, the quality damage of
boards during air-drying is substantial due to the lack of control over the
process. On the other hand, drying of freshly-sawn impermeable hardwood boards
in conventional kilns is not economically viable and quality control is
difficult from the industrial point of view. In this context, it is necessary to
look for alternative drying methods to replace air-drying practice with a
reasonable cost for high productivity and better product quality. There is a
growing interest in the use of solar kilns by the timber industry to accelerate
the pre-drying stages for hardwoods, followed by the use of conventional kilns
for final drying.
If you are interested for collaboration and/or sponsoring research on the assessment of SOLAR KILN DRYING in Australia or in tropical countries, please download my research proposal ResearchHaque.pdf (195 KB).
Creep and Mechanical Properties of Timber
Data on rheological or time-dependent
properties are useful in predicting the behaviour of wood during drying
processes. Earlier studies on wood rheology suffered from the limitations of not
considering the effects of changing temperature and moisture content in
sufficient detail. The determination of strain behaviour (instantaneous,
visco-elastic, mechano-sorptive and free shrinkage strains) other mechanical and
transport properties across the grain of timber during drying is necessary to
predict the stress behaviour of wood under kiln drying conditions.
Please click for latest list of publications by Dr. Nawshad Haque Papers by Haque
Haque, M.N. and Sargent, R. (2008). Standard and superheated steam schedules for Radiata pine single-board drying: Model prediction and actual measurements. Drying Technology – An International Journal, 26(2):186-191.
Haque, M.N. (2007). Simulation of temperature and moisture content profiles in a Pinus radiata board during high-temperature drying. Drying Technology – An International Journal, 25(4):547-555.
Haque, M.N. (2007). Analysis of heat and mass transfer during high temperature drying of Pinus radiata. Drying Technology – An International Journal, 25(2):379-389.
Haque, N., Riley, S., Langrish, T.A.G. and Pang, S. (2007). Predicted effect of process variables on kiln drying of Pinus radiata. Drying Technology – An International Journal, 25(3):455-461.
Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2005).
Assessment of actual performance of an industrial solar kiln.
Drying Technology - An International Journal, 23(7):1541-1553.
Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2005).
Mathematical modelling of solar kilns for drying timber: Model validation.
Journal of the Institute of Wood
Science, 16(6):342-367.
Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2004).
Mathematical modelling of solar kilns for drying timber: Model description.
Journal of the Institute of Wood
Science, 16(5):266-276.
Haque, N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2004).
Optimising drying schedules for hardwood in solar kilns.
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 34(3):354-369.
Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2003).
Mathematical modelling of solar kilns for drying timber: Literature review.
Journal of the Institute of Wood
Science, 16(4):230-231.
Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2003).
modelling of solar kilns for drying timber: Model development and
validation. Drying
Technology -An International Journal, 21(3):457-477.
Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2001).
effects in the modelling of solar kilns for drying timber. Drying
Technology -An International Journal, 19(1):99-114.
Haque, M.N. and Hill, C.A.S. (2000).
Chemical modification of model compounds, wood flour and fibre with acetic
anhydride. Journal of the Institute of Wood
Science, 15(3):109-115.
Haque, M.N., Langrish, T.A.G.,
Keep, L-B. and Keey, R.B. (2000). Model fitting
for visco-elastic creep of Pinus radiata during kiln drying. Wood
Science and Technology, 34(5):447-457.
Haque, M.N. and Hill, C.A.S.
(1998). Chemical modification of wood flour and fibre with acetic
anhydride. Journal of the Timber Development Association of India,
Ilias, G.N.M.,
Kanapathipillai, V.S., Huda, M.D., Haque, M.N. and
Islam, M.N. (1996). Assessment of the preservation techniques of
wooden electric power transmission poles in Bangladesh. Journal of the
Timber Development Association of India, 42(2):20-26.
Haque, M.N. and Kamaluddin, M. (1995).
Growth, standing volume of Dalbergia sissoo and selection methods for its
genetic improvement. Chittagong University Studies -Science,
Haque, M. N., Abdul Khalil,
H.P.S. and Hill, C.A.S. (2002). Chemical
modification of wood flour and
thermo-mechanical pulp fibre with acetic anhydride. Journal of Fibres and
Haque, N. et al. (2008). Survey of sustainable biomass resources for the iron and steel industry. Proceedings of the Bioenergy Conference 2008 in Melbourne 8-9 December 2008. Haque, N and Norgate, T. (2008). Techno-Economic Evaluation of Early Arsenic Removal from Copper Ores. Proceedings of the CSRP Conference 2008 in Brisbane 17-19 November 2008. Haque, N. et al. (2008). Survey of sustainable biomass for the iron and steel industry. Proceedings of the CSRP Conference 2008 in Brisbane 17-19 November 2008. Haque, N. et al. (2008). Survey of sustainable biomass resources for the iron and steel industry. Proceedings of the Australian Forest Growers Conference, Albury-Wodonga 19-22 October 2008. Haque, M.N. (2006). Predictive assessment of solar kilns for drying timber in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 3rd BSME - ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 20-22 December, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Haque, M.N. (2006). Improving drying of wood harvested in 2040. Wood Science and Technology in 2100 Conference at the International Academy of Wood Science Meeting 2006, 13-16 November 2006, Melbourne, Australia. Link for Powerpoint Presentation. Haque, M.N. (2006). Simulated temperature and moisture content profiles in a Pinus radiata board during high-temperature drying. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2006) as part of 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2006), 27-31 August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Paper #591 in the Proceedings. Haque, M.N. and Riley, S.G. (2006). Effect of Wood Properties and Drying Conditions on Industrial Drying of Radiata pine boards. Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2006), 20-23 August, 2006, Budapest, Hungary. 1798-1805pp. Haque, M.N. (2006). Wood Drying Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation. Proceedings of Tech Fest 2006 – Mathematical Optimisation and Simulation, 27-28 July, 2006, CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences, Clayton, Australia. Haque, M.N.; Riley, S.G.; Langrish, T.A.G. and Pang, S. (2005). Model predicted effect of process variables during kiln drying of Pinus radiata boards. 9th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, August 22-26, 2005,
Nanjing Forestry University, China. pp114-120. Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G.
(2004). Performance of an Industrial Solar Kilns for Drying Timber in Australia.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability
Science & Engineering, July 6-9, 2004, Organised by NZ Society for
Sustainability Science & Engineering, A technical group of the Institution
of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ), Auckland, New Zealand. Paper #16 in the Proceedings, click for Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2004). Solar Kilns for Drying Hardwood
Timber. In: Verbeek, C.J.R. (ed). Engineering Revolutions. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of NZ Society of Chemical Engineers, Society of Materials and Food Engineering Association, 2 July, 2004,
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. 3-6pp. Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2003). The
Development and Validation of a Mathematical Model for Solar Kilns for Drying
Timber. 8th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, August 24-29, 2003,
Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2003).
Development of a Process Simulation Model of Solar Kilns for Drying Timber. CHEMECA 2003, 31st
Annual Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, September 29 to October 01,
2003, Adelaide, Australia. Haque, M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2003).
The Assessment of the Performance of a Solar Kiln and Its Model Validation for
Drying Timber. 3rd Asia-Pacific
Drying Conference, September 01-03, 2003, Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand. Haque, M.N. and Langrish,
T.A.G. (2001). Simulations and Measurement of Stack-Wide Effects in the Modelling
of Solar Kiln for Drying Timber. Proceedings of 7th International IUFRO Wood
Drying Conference, July 9-13, 2001, FFPRI, Tsukuba,
Japan. pp 40-45. Haque, M.N. and Langrish,
T.A.G. (2001). The Development and Simulation of a Mathematical Model of a Solar
Kiln for Drying Timber. In: Blakemore, P. (ed). Shaping the Future. Proceedings
of 27th Forest Products Research Conference, November 12th-13th 2001, CSIRO,
Clayton, Victoria, Australia. Haque,
M.N. and Langrish, T.A.G. (2000). Modelling of Solar Kiln for Batch Drying of
Timber. In: Schimleck, L. and Blakemore, P. (eds). Research Developments
and Industrial Applications and Wood Waste Forum. Proceedings of 26th Forest
Products Research Conference, June 19th-21st 2000, CSIRO, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Industrial Research: Numerous confidential contract reports for industry
Please click for latest list of publications by Dr. Nawshad Haque Papers by Haque
Review of Journal Articles
I was nominated as a reviewer of research paper to assess the suitability of it's publication for following journals. On 10 April, 2007 received a “Special Certificate of Appreciation” from the editor of Drying Technology journal on the occasion of it’s 25th anniversary, given only to selected reviewers.
Drying Technology - An International Journal
I was also a reviewer for this book entitled "Food Drying Science and Technology: Microbiology, Chemistry, Applications" edited by Yui H. Hui, Carter D. Clary, Mohammed M. Farid, Oladiran Fasina, Jorge Welti-Chanes; ISBN 1932078568, Published 2007.
Please use following links to explore more on timber drying Click
to Explore Research in Timber Drying within Ensis Click
to visit TIMBER DRYING TECHNOLOGY at Chemical Engineering, University of Sydney
to buy Springer book "Kiln-Drying of Lumber" by R.B. Keey, T.A.G. Langrish,
J.C.F. Walker Click
to visit Wood Research at the University of Canterbury
to visit Microwave Modification of Wood at the University of Melbourne
Click to
visit Australsian Timber Drying Group
Click to
visit Wood Drying entry in Wikipedia
If you would like to know more about drying research, please
visit Homepage of Drying Guru,
Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar.
Recent Conference Attendance:
I attended Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference 2007 CHEMECA 2007 in 23-26 September, 2007, at Sofitel Hotel, Melbourne, Australia. I got invitation to chair a session at CHEMECA 2007 Energy Efficiency and CO2 Capture on 26 September, 2007.
I attended CRC for Sustainable Processing (CSRP) Conference "CSRP 2007" in 21-22 November, 2007, Melbourne, Australia.
I am going to attend the following conferences:
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Last update: 20 March 2009
In the past decade my research interests were in
the discipline of Forest Products Technology: