SpudWiser has been set up to promote safer, wiser spud gunning. It is dedicated to providing you with all the information you'll ever need to design and build your own spud gun - including all necessary theory and tips. As the disclaimer says, spud gunning can be dangerous and no-one wants you to lose a hand or an eye in the process. Do this stuff only if you are sure you can do it safely.
The page is currently under construction with more designs, propellants (I can think of 3 off the top of my head) and a look at pneumatic cannons coming. I know I said I would have it done around the start of December but, well, I have been pretty busy! I'll also have to change the format a bit if I want to include all of the pneumatics, etc! You don't realise how much there really is to it until you attempt to write it out. I am still going to improve the pictures by putting in some rendered images and photographs. I have just got a scanner so now all I need is the film!
Thanks to Carl from AOL for pointing out a few things I assumed people would know! Sorry to all the people who have sent in tips for anything non-projectile that I haven't been able to include. I'll do it when I figure out the right spot for it!
The physics and chemistry in the following pages can get pretty heavy for someone who has never studied the subjects. I have tried to make it as clear as possible. If you have suggestions as to how I can improve the explanations, or any other part of the following pages, then email me. If you think something needs to be added, tell me! Anyway, enough of the introduction... on to the pages!
(I just want to calculate velocity and pressure! You could also try this method.)
Improvements? Additions? Suggestions? Email me!
This page © Copyright James O'Connell 1997