(Updated 08/08/00)

The Airbus Beluga
The Beluga Whale of the skies

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El espacio aéreo es y ha sido siempre uno de los grandes anhelos del hombre, ser de naturaleza terrestre pero de origen marino.. si, todavia quedan indicios del 'mamalian reflex' el mismo que permite contener el aliento a las ballenas y en el caso del ser humano hasta 10 minutos (campeon del mundo) y descender a pulmon mas de 500 pies (record mundial). Unas branquias atrofiadas que se desarrollan en el feto son tambien indicios de esto... y quizas algo en comun entre las aves y los peces, la ingravidez que experimentamos tambien en nuestro etapa de vida fetal, es lo que nos atrae instintivamente al agua y al aire.

Air Space has always been a human challenge, men are by nature terrestrial mammals. But what about air and water? There is no doubt about our ocean background. We also have a special attraction to space, and there is a link between both environments: The lack of gravity. Don't forget we live in such environment for almost a year as our first experience on 'earth'. Do you know that Pipin Ferreras (Free Diving World record) can hold his breath for about 10 minutes and his record of free diving is 500 feet? We have so much in common with whales and we don't realize it at all!

Even though it has always been a hobby for me, it is more than that too.
My Aviation Areas of Interest are:

+ Flight Simulation: Vice President of Continental VR Airlines, one of the Virtual Airlines leaders in USA.
+ ATC Simulation. I belong to the Simulated Air Traffic Controllers Organization (SATCO) and my current ATC level is 6. SATCO is an organization with more than 10,000 members and more than 400 staff ATC members, including real life pilots and controllers.
+ Private Pilot, Dec'99 Fort Lauderdale Executive, currently flying as PP in Dominican Rep. and the Caribbean. Planning to continue this year with IR, COMM, ME, CFI and CFII in USA

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