Centre of Plasma Physics
Faculty Members
Sarbeswar BUJARBARUA Professor & Director
Prof. Bujarbarua is the founder-director of the institute.
Bujarbarua earned his Masters in physics from University of Delhi, and Ph.D. in plasma physics from Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. From 1978 to 1981 he was in Ruhr University, Germany under German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship. He taught physics in Cotton College and in Dibrugarh University before joining the Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology, Guwahati, in 1981. In 1991 he established Centre of Plasma Physics under grants from the Govt. of Assam.
Bujarbarua's research interests include nonlinear phenomena in plasma, including double layers, solitary waves, plasma - maser etc.
Contact: director_cpp@yahoo.com
Kalyan Sindhu GOSWAMI Professor & Dean (Academic)
Dr. Goswami has been working with Prof. Bujarbarua since early 1980s.
A post-graduate in physics from Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, he earned his Ph.D. in plasma physics in 1988 from Gauhati University, Guwahati. He joined
the lab as a faculty in 1991 and presently he is a Professor.
Dr. Goswami's research interests are waves and instabilities,
soliton and double layers in space plasmas, various phenomena in
dusty plasmas, etc.
Contact: goswamiks@rediffmail.com
Bipul Kumar SAIKIA Associate Professor & Dean (Administration)
BeeKay, as he is popularly known among the lab folks, joined the lab in 1991 as a grad student.
He earned Masters' degree in physics from University of Delhi, Delhi, in 1989, and a Ph.D. in plasma physics from CPP (under Gauhati University, Guwahati) in 1994. The same year he joined the lab as a faculty.
Dr. Saikia's research interests are both theoretical and experimental plasma physics. Recently, he is involved with dusty plasma experiments and plasma chemistry experiments in the lab. He is also known as a brilliant short-story writer, and a free-lanch financial adviser.
Contact: bk_cpp@rediffmail.com
Smruti Ranjan MOHANTY Associate Professor
Dr. Mohanty joined the lab in 1997 as a
Research Associate, and presently he is a Fellow.
Dr. Mohanty earned his Masters' in physics and Ph.D. degree in plasma physics from University of Delhi, Delhi.
He has also worked at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, during 2001 and at GREMI, Orleans, France during 2001-02 as post-doctoral fellow.
Dr. Mohanty's research interests are experimental plasma
physics, including plasma focus experiments, and plasma
processing. Visit his Home
Page to know more about him.
Contact: smrutirm@yahoo.com
Bipuljyoti SAIKIA Fellow
BeeJay joined the lab in 1992 as a grad
student after completing his Masters' in physics from Cotton College, Guwahati.
He earned a Ph.D. in plasma physics from CPP (under Gauhati University) in 1996 and joined the lab as a Research Scientist the same year.
Presently he is a Fellow. He has also worked at Kyushu University, Japan, under a fellowship from
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) during 1999-2001.
Dr. Saikia's research interests are theoretical plasma physics,
especially plasma-maser and dusty plasma. He is also a poet and a popularizer of science. Visit
his Home Page to know more about him.
Contact: bsaikia@rediffmail.com
Mayur KAKATI Fellow
After completing Masters' in physics at Cotton College, Guwahati, Dr. Kakati joined CPP as a grad student in 1995
and is currently working as Fellow.
Dr. Kakati earned a Ph.D. degree in plasma physics from CPP (under Gauhati University) in 2002.
He was the key person in installing a high vacuum plasma laboratory at CPP to study dusty plasma.
Currently he is supervising the installation of the thermal plasma laboatory for production and study of nano-particles.
Dr. Kakati's research interests are theoretical and experimental dusty plasma
physics, thermal plasma processed material science, etc.
Contact: mayurkak@rediffmail.com
Tridip Kumar BORTHAKUR Scientist - C
With Masters' in physics of Gauhati University, Guwahati, Dr. Borthakur joined CPP as a grad student in 1995
and is currently working as Scientist - C.
Dr. Borthakur earned his Ph.D. degree in plasma physics from CPP (under Gauhati University) in 2002.
He is an active member of the dense plasma laboratory of CPP.
During 2001-02, he spent a year at Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India, as a post-doctoral fellow.
Dr. Borthakur's research interests are experimental plasma
physics, especially dense plasma focus.
Contact: tkborthakur@yahoo.co.in
Monojit CHAKRABORTY Scientist - C
Monojit earned a Ph.D. degree in physics from CPP (under Gauhati University) before joining CPP as Scientist - C in 2006. He also worked as Research Associate during 2003-06.
His research interests include both theoreatical and experiemntal study of dusty plasma, especially the charging of dusts, and their properties.
Contact: monojitc@yahoo.com
Siddhartha Sankar KAUSIK Scientist-C
Siddhartha joined CPP as grad student in 2001 after completing Masters' in physics from Dibrugarh University. He obtained his Ph. D. degree in 2007 and joined CPP as Scientist-C in April, 2008.
His research interests centre around experimental dusty plasma, including charging of dusts, crystal
structure formation etc. In his spare time, Siddhartha works for the Green group Nature's Beckon, plays violin, attends his "best friends' weddings", etc. etc.
Contact: kausikss@rediffmail.com
Nirod Kumar NEOG Scientist-C
After completing Masters' in physics from Dibrugarh University, Nirode joined CPP as a grad student in 2001. He obtained Ph. D. degree in 2008 and joined as Scientist-C in April, 2008.
Nirode's research interests include the study of the physics and instrumentations of dense
plasma focus. His other interests are not very well known except the fact that he is a good cook and a good end-user of the results of the cooking process.
Contact: nkneog@rediffmail.com
Pranjal Jyoti BHUYAN Scientist-C
Bhuyan joined CPP in June 2008 as Scientist-C. Before joining CPP, he served as Senior Lecturer at Nowgong College, Nagaon, Assam.
Bhuyan's research interests are modeling/simulation of various MHD plasma phenomena.
Contact: cppmail@rediffmail.com
Centre of Plasma Physics Tepesia
SONAPUR 782 402 Kamrup, Assam, India
E-mail: cppmail@rediffmail.com
Phone: +91 361 216 0616 Fax: +91 361 236 5064