My name is Imaging Man and welcome to
The WebTv Link Exchange!!
This will be a simple way to find WebTv made
pages and friends! It is simple to join,
so Join today!!
If you have any questions about
the exchange, E-mail me.

Use this to view all the members pages.


1. NO pornography! NO Racism

2. You must have a WebTV made page

3. You must include the link back to this page


Fill Out This Form!
~note if you have more than one webpage, please submit a form for each.

Sorry! At this time the link exchange is updating the links. We will be taking new links soon.

Imaging Man


A page with more than one entry will not be added!

If you are going to join, then be prepared to update your page TODAY!
The HTML must be on your page within 5 days!

Now that you have the form filled out
put this simple HTML code on your page.

<a href="/ResearchTriangle/ Lab/7785/link.html"> <img src="/ResearchTriangle/ Lab/7785/weblink.gif"></a>
When done It will look like this...

This is the new banner for this site!

<a href="/ResearchTriangle/ Lab/7785/link.html"> <img src="/ResearchTriangle/ Lab/7785/weblink1.gif"></a>

When done it will look like this...

This code will display a random
WebTv Link Exchange Banner.

<a href="/ResearchTriangle/Lab/7785/link.html"> <img src=" banner.cgi?4512"></a>

When done it will look like this...

It's That easy!

The choice is yours on which link
you would like to use!

Now if you want to speed up
the process mail me when you are done!

Thanks for joining!!!

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The WebTv Link Exchange was created by...
All credit goes to him for this exchange.
Thank You