Currently, our simulation shows our model in a virtual environment following forward fall data obtained in our laboratory. The subjects are released from different leaning angles and their recovery is analyzed based upon various stresses, position data, and force distributions. The forces exerted upon the soles of the feet are shown underneath each foot. The model is anthropometrically correct, meaning that the limb lengths are proportional to one another. These lengths can be changed to match the exact measurements of the test subject. Below is an avi file of the program we wrote using CAVE programming, C++, and OpenGL code. The movie shows the movement in slow motion. The CAVE (Cave Automated Virtual Environment) is a ten foot cube room where images are projected onto three screens, and special goggles capture the images as if they were projected into three space. Through use of a wand, held by the user, the point of view of the simulation can be changed, giving the user complete control of the CAVE capabilities. The video was taken from the CAVE Simulator, a two-dimensional representation on an SGI Octane machine in our lab of the three-dimensional CAVE environment. One other excellent feature of both the CAVE and the CAVE Simulator is that they are fully networkable for collaboration purposes. In addition to these features, the program is also capable of reverse play, as well as variable speeds, all controlled by the user. For more detailed analyzation, the program is also capable of being viewed frame-by-frame. In the future we plan to color the joints to represent the magnitudes of the stresses in each joint and to incorporate a graphical user interface to control the playback features of the simulation. The CAVE set-up provides a fully interactive and immersible environment in which to view the simulation. This aspect allows for a detailed analysis regardless of the technical knowledge of the user. As a result, the program will be very useful in the medical and physical therapy fields. Our ultimate goal is to create a simulation which can be manipulated by and react to the user. For the full effect of the demo, right mouse button click on the movie and select full-screen play, if your browser plug-in supports this feature.

On June 16, 1999, we presented our research at the 1999 Summer Bioengineering Conference in Big Sky, Montana.

Click here to view a copy of our published abstract.

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