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Network of Colombian Professionals in Belgium





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The Belgium Node is a group of professionals linked with Colombia, that are studying or have completed their studies at postgraduate level in several of the best educational centers in Belgium.  Our main objective consists of applying the knowledge, connections and acquired experience in Belgium, in order to develop projects at an inter-institutional and international level. The ultimate goal is to promote the development of education, science and technology in Colombia.

The Node was founded in 1992 as a non-profit association independent of any political party or religious group. To date, around 180 professionals, from all branches of knowledge, who have studied in at least one of the seven Belgian universities, have been associated to us.
To finance its activities, the Node has its own budget assigned by the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science and Technology (COLCIENCIAS). Nevertheless, other institutions have been approached for financial and logistical support.

The Node is a member of the Caldas Network (Red Caldas), which is a COLCIENCIAS program created to channel efforts that will contribute to the participation of Colombians in projects of science and technology at a national or international level. The Network is world wide spread.  It includes 23 Nodes that group around 800 persons interchanging information via Internet.


It is well-known that for the development of any country, the enforcement systems to improve the education, science and technology are relevant. Since the 1980's, Colombia is formulating a national policy on science and technology; however, its condition as a developing country have not permitted to consolidate the programs designed for that purpose.

The work of the Belgium Node addresses this problem.  Through concrete actions, it is creating opportunities that in the medium and long term will contribute to the invigoration of the education, research and technology in Colombia. Our projects consider the economic efficiency, social impact and optimal use of the resources available in Belgium.
The activities of the Node seek to take advantage of the enormous potential of qualified Colombian personnel, creating the conscience of a scientific formation as a way of life, and its programs intend to establish some profitable relationships between the parts involved.

Type of members

Effective members: They are the university professionals that fulfill the requirements of the statutes and are up to date with the affiliation fee.

Beneficent members:  People interested in financing and promoting the activities of the Node through donations.

Adherent member: Physical or moral people addmited by the administration comittee, that fulfill the requirements of the statutes and are interested in participate on the activities of the group.

Members of honor:  The administrative council of the association declares like such, people of highlighted trajectory in areas of education, science and technology, or that have performed special services for the Node.

Previous projects

1. Continuous cycle of conferences: Lectures on mechanisms of scientific cooperation and transfer of technology to developing countries.

2.  First general meeting between European Nodes and Colciencias (1995): Evaluation meeting of the Colombian Network of Scientists Abroad  (Caldas Network) during which common objectives were identified.

3.  Cooperation Seminar between the European Union, Colombia and Latin America (1995): Informative seminar on the European Union policies of cooperation in science and technology and university interchange with Latin America.

4.  Mini symposium on Malaria (1997). Dr. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo presented his work on the development of the malaria vaccine and European investigators showed the results of their work in the same area.

5.  Program of stimulus to scientific youth (1998). Program of guided visits to scientific and technological centers in Benelux and in France for the 10 winning high school students of the Science Fair in Colombia.


The Belgium Node publishes a quarterly Bulletin with articles of educational, scientific and technological interest;  current information on available grants, congresses, seminars; job offers and announcements. In addition, the Node publishes a monthly Informative Letter highlighting the activities of the Node work committees as well as study opportunities and grants with a imminent application deadline.

Future projects

1.  Cycle of conferences on the latest scientific achievements.

2.  Generation and reactivation of agreements between Belgian and Colombians academic institutions.

3.  Management Program:  It is designed to speed up the level of internal administration of the association.

4.  Projects on education and science:

  • Basic knowledge library  in CD-ROM: It consists on compiling around 700 books in Spanish and covering diverse areas of knowledge.  It will be supplied for free to educational institutions in Colombia.

  • Scientific research teaching in Colombia: It is a test program where an educational method  is applied to teach children how to do scientific research since early years of school.

5.  Award Belgium Node: It is a grant  to the best research project presented by a young Colombian university student.

6.  Godfathers of the education: It is a program designed to stablish contact with people or private european institutions interested in subsidizing the university education of Colombian students of excellent academic level but low economical resources.

7.  Participation on the reconstruction of the coffee area project. Due to the destruction induced by the February 1999 earthquake, this project intends to help the reconstruction and equipement of the Quindio University Institute of Biomedical Research, the reconstruction of the Medicine Faculty of the same university and the construction and equipment of a Health Care Unit in one of the devastated villages.

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Eduardo Báez, Ing, MSc.
Remi Roggeman, Ing
Cristina Salinas, Ing, M.Sc.

Gloria Alicia Jiménez Tobon QF Msc, PhD Sc
Oscar Barrero, Ing, MSc

Jean Louis Lams, Ing 

Daniel Jordan, Lic. C. Polit
Jairo Jose Espinosa, Ing, PhD
Nodo Bélgica NPA.

Arrêté Royal Belge 6361/93