These are some of my favourite things

Being a true blue Geminian , with an attention span running into hours (sometimes days if its THAT interesting! ), my interests vary too much , for me to even attempt thinking about them , leave alone list them here ...but the ones I really enjoy

* Cartoons The Tintins, Tom and Jerry's, Asterix's, I still love 'em all. I guess we are never too old to laugh :-))

Garfield, the cooool cat

Calvin & Hobbes: The naughty twosome

Jigsaw Puzzles

* I love reading books (then again , who does'nt :-)

Of the latest ...I just finished reading the awesome Da Vinci Code.

I must say , I have had an eventful summer this time ...

Aside from getting MARRIED to my sweetheart of 4 years, I learnt swimming, dabbled in some glass painting, and am now trying my hand at crocheting huh :-).

I have also started to blog occasionally about arbit stuff , whenever I feel like scribbling ( hmm wonder how long thats going to last ).