Palletizer Patterns
updated: Jan.18,2002
Watson 400163
Machine Serial: 802149
Machine Serial: 802150
Service Call Sep. 7,2001
The following is an excel spreadsheet of the PLC setup values used.
Smart Tag Memory Buttons Used For Watson
The following Files are Copies of the buttons at Watson.
IButton Viewer was used to read the files from the buttons.
The above files could be used to copy new buttons using the IButton Viewer Software.
The IButton viewer software can be downloaded from
The file must be renamed .cap from of .bin.
The copied buttons could be used for testing new patterns, if the original cape files are not available.
The following are the files created by the Cape Software.
These files can be used to create the buttons with the patterns.
The files are zipped.
Before working with the cape files, they should be checked against the the IButton Viewer files to be sure the cape files are up to date.
What is needed to make new patterns?
Cape Software: Cape Pack 99 ver E5
Cape2ibtn Software
RS232 Programmer: DS9097E available from for about $12 US
Button: DS1996L-F5 KALISH part # 160022
The following page will show how to program a button for shipper 13807 that works.
The B2 Button was successfully programmed on site for the customers needs.
This button could be used as guidance for the new buttons that need to be programmed.
All the electrical Documentation for the palletizer can be found in E:\Projects\400163_WatsLabs
This directory has all the updates as well as the information on this webpage.
There is also a binder for the Watson Palletizer that has the hardcopy documentation.
scanned images of the patterns needed