About the Creator
GungFu In Street Fighting. My Passion, GungFu.(Kung Fu) This is also my work, something I knocked up for school, it's also won a couple of awards for both content and design plus getting me an A+, no doubt if you like the layout here, you'll like it as well.

Mr Gnash One of my friends, a nut like myself, his site is lighter but the content is just as weird. Ahhhh, the site that I got all the pics of Vivian Hsu from, whatever would I do without it?

"Sanity is Merely the Delusion Your Normal." - Kalai

Animé Cap 3 The place I chat at, sometimes I'm on more than others, a RP/Anime(Type of Manga) Java based chat site.

Macromedia I made all the graphics for this site with Macromedia Fireworks 1. Can you imagine what I could do with 4? I can I've used it in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop 6, the images I made were amazing.

The Dragons List Well hey gotta talk about possibly the biggest and best Kung Fu e-zine on the planet right? Especially when they were kind enough to give me an award for my other site. I get thir e-zine emailed to me every month.

Realms of Evil Well hey, I admit it, I really am a geek I go to RoE every single time I log onto from home. Why? Because I Play-By-Post(PBP) RPG's. Let off a little steam, at least I'm not stupid enough to fall into the trap of actually believing that it's real. I've seen it done.

Linking to me these days is incredibly simple you just copy the following Mini-Banner that you like and paste into the right area the snippet of code beside it:

<a href=""><img src="DarkTechMiniBanner.gif" border=0 width=170 height=50></a>

<a href=""><img src="Minibanner.gif" height=30 width=90 border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src="darktechmini.gif" height=31 width=88 border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src="DarkTechLinkBanner.gif" height=30 width=81 border=0></a>

<a href=""><img src="animateminibanner.gif" height=31 width=88 border=0></a>

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