About the Creator
The Philosophical Section. Now that many of you have had a chance to get used to the concept of my Philosophical urgings, it doesn't hurt that much does it? No, of course not.

But that's probably because you're wiser than I am. Maybe...

Now I'm dividing this section up into two parts, the Internal and the External, Internal is all my thoughts, and personal philosophies, the External is texts and things that I like and have taken parts from. 

"Sanity is Merely the Delusion Your Normal." - Kalai
Click here for the first of my philosophical rants. The Universe and Humanities Place in It.

For part two of the beliefs of Kalai. Oh where to begin, where to begin. Hmmm, the beginning is most definately impossible, because we're not going to be talking about any form of creationism. Death? Death is good, essential too, and later on I will talk about the gods, for they are forever at the core of all things. But now for Death. Socrates had a novel concept for us, the dear old boy, he believed philosophers went to heaven, good people re-incarnated as humans or orderly beasts, and what would in later centuries be called sinners, were forever stuck in the bodies of animals, those of cruel or despicable nature. How shocked he would be at the comments of many hippies today, wishing to be "re-incarnated into the body of an Eagle."

What trash. Death it is then. The concepts of Death and Soul.  Death and Soul. Has a nice ring to it, doens't it? Well what can we say that hasn't been said before? Probably nothing, but with our clinical observations, we will endeavour to discover something of note, that knowing the way of the Internet, will be stolen and published as the works of some other fool, who in many cases will not understand one word of such concepts.

Again, a word of note, that considering Vivian Hsu is my idol and poster girl, I will not accept any disparagement of her, regardless of the fact that I continue to maintain her image upon my site or whatever choices she makes in life.

Now Death. Inevitable. Unescapable. Foreordaned. The last truly undiscovered land. Simply put, it has a facination beyond all others, some embrace it, others flee it and yet others care not when it comes to them, for they are already dead. Those who embrace death and go looking for it, at the expense of all they have loved or will ever love, are to put it simply. Idiotic morons, incapable of true greatness. Those who flee it are fighting a losing battle, by clutching to something too tightly you are only sure to hurt yourself or loose it forever. Those who are cowards and fear the inevitable approach of the one true destiny that the gods have laid out in store for all, are not only to be despised, and scorned from all that in good and noble, or evil and deceptive, whichever you find more entertaining, let it no be I who is opposed to free will. But killed on site, the only way you can face life, is to live as though you are dead. Anything that comes, Welcome it, pain is as nothing, for to the truly dead pain does not exist, so it should be to you.

Now how does this tie into the whole death and soul thing? Well that's an obvious one, surely even you could have seen that. The expectations of death we have during life have a direct effect upon what happens afterwards. Only those true to themselves may see this. Unlike that idiot Socrates, who believed that only the true and pure of heart, wise in philosophical teachings would go to what would become as heaven, I have a far more realistic view of things. Because if such a thing were true, then Heaven would be a very lonely place, for Socrates states, through Plato in various texts, but especially in the Phaedo that all knowledge is not learnt but remembered, for before the birth of a human the soul knows all, but in the womb and at birth we forget that same knowledge and have to use various techniques to remember it. Mistakenly called "learning" which being the misdemeanor that it is, annoys Socrates all the more.

This being so, then all people of a certain point, would have exactly the same ideas upon things. A boring concept to say the least, so naturally this could not be true. For if it were then how could there be dissention in the ranks of the academia? So considering this nice little point, you could merely say, that no two people are ever at the exact same point in their life nor in their path towards enlightenment. And to this I would say: And you are correct, but how could there be such virolent dissention in the ranks, if there were but one supreme truth? For there is not simply one supreme truth, for, for every god there is their own truth. And only but a fool believes in only one god. A Supreme Master, unassailable even with their combined might, is reknowned, all through history. And in their wisdom, the gods have merely changed their names. Zeus, Jupiter, YHWH. The names are myriad, but their principle remains the same. Those who were foolish enough to restrict themselves to the one are forgetting the divine will that can never be overcome.

And now is the time whereupon we divulge the common similarities between the Greek/Roman King 
of Gods. The Triune. A problem that many do not understand. You will see that upon the brow of Zeus, he wears the crown of heaven. A three pointed crown. The crests signify not only his divine will, which may never be contradicted, but the three forms that he possesses. Not only is Zeus, the God of Heaven, but he is also Poseidon, the God of the Ocean, a Trident his symbol. Also he is Hades, he too wears a crown, with three points upon it, but not only does he have that, but he has as the symbol, so it is more obscure, Cereberus, the three headed dog. Christians rejoice for there is a light ahead. You too have a Triune, more commonly called the "Holy Trinity" The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost/Spirit. For this supreme god, by whatever name he is called, does not acknowledge he is the only god, in existence, but merely the strongest, for how could anything prevail upon something who not only is the ruler of all creation, but is creation itself?

And get this, Lucifer, who by the count of Christianity is fallen into darkness and despair, to forever rule over has this one attribute. A Triune. A three headed beast he so is, each head symbolising a different attribute, Hatred, Impotence and Ignorance. The weapons of war, which he wields so effectively.

But even more pressing, have any of you ever actually read the Old Testament? In it you will not see a kind loving god, although he may manifest such attributes, but a Wrath filled, Vengeance seeking, destroying god. Upon those who do not admit that even those gods who they worship are subservient to him.

A logical extension of the commandment "Thou shalt worship no idol." is that how could you encompass inifinity inside a statue? Really, now that is impossible, majesty, yes, power, yes, wisdom, yes. Inifinity in a finite object? Now that is truly impossible.

Think about it. Do we really live in a Monotheistic society, as the priests would have us believe? Or do we still have our Polytheism tendancies? Michael, Archangel of War. Mars, God of War...

Machiavelli's The Prince. A Truly wonderful read, full of all sorts of startling revelations of Sexism, usually in referance to fate and women needing to be beaten and coerced into submission.A reflection of the times. But otherwise, an inspiring read, practical, you just need to know how to interpret it.

Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Almost a religious text, but more a concept of living and the universe, full of opposites and the necessity of them. I just love reading this, especially considering it's in Poetic Form. You may want to attention to the fact that there are 81 chapters.

Sun Tzu's The Art of War Most people will have heard of this, the oldest military text in the world, with referances in it to yet older texts that no longer exist.

Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings A text on the way of the sword and how a warrior must live their life. Great read, most of my attitude and bearing is an almost direct representation of this short little book.

Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai About how to live as a Samurai. The mental commands and strictures that you must place upon yourself to be worthy of the title. Afterall, The way of the Samurai is through death.

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