I was too young to remember 
most of Germany, 
with the exception of the cold winters. 
The only thing I really remember was the 
oversize Lifesavers® gummi-type candies on a rope. 

I am planning a trip to Europe in a few years, 
with Germany on my list. 
I am interested in the arts, 
architectural and historical sites, 
and the local cuisine. 
Got any ideas? 
Please email me


Ichihara, Japan
City of Ichihara
Please see my page on 
teaching English in Japan.

Okinawa, Japan


Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau

Seattle, Washington
Seattle-King County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau

Auburn, Alabama
Auburn University

Mobile, Alabama
Mobile Convention and Visitors Corporation

Ft. Meade, Maryland

Grove City, Ohio
City of Columbus, Ohio

San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau


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