Monographs, textbooks and books on
Computer Science, Theory of General Statistics, Cellular Automata Theory and Computer Algebra Systems, prepared and published by members of the
Baltic Branch during 1995 - 2007

1. Aladjev V.Z., Veetousme R.A., Hunt Ü.J. General Theory of Statistics: Textbook.- Tallinn: TRG & SALCOMBE Eesti Ltd., 1995, 201 p., ISBN 1-995-14642-8 (in Russian with English summary)

2. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Course of General Theory of Statistics: Textbook.- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1995,  201 p., ISBN 1-995-14642-9 (in Russian with English summary)

3. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Mathematics on Personal Computer.- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1996, 498 p., ISBN 3-420-614023-3 (in Russian with extended English summary)

4. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Questions of Mathematical Theory of the Classical Homogeneous Structures (Cellular Automata).- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1996, 151 p., ISBN 5-063-56078-5 (in Russian with extended English summary)

5. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Introduction into Mathematical Package Mathematica 2.2.- Moscow: Filin Press, 1997, 363 p., ISBN 5-89568-004-6 (in Russian with English summary)

6. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Basics of Computer Informatics: Textbook.- Tallinn-Gomel: Russian Academy of Noosphere & TRG, 1997, 396 p., ISBN 5-14-064254-5 (in Russian with extended English summary)

7. Efimova M.O., Hunt Ü.J. Geometry of Drawing: Graphical Package AutoTouch (Ed. acad. V. Z. Aladjev).- Tallinn-Gomel: TRG & Russian Academy of Noosphere, 1997, 72 p., ISBN 7-14-064254-7 (in Russian with extended English summary)

8. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Basics of Computer Informatics: Textbook.- Moscow, Filin Press, 1998, 496 p., ISBN 5-89568-068-2 (in Russian with extended English summary)

9. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Scientific-research Activity of the Tallinn Research Group: Scientific Report over a period 1995 - 1998.- Tallinn - Gomel - Moscow: TRG & VASCO, 1998, 80 p., ISBN 14-064298-56 (in Russian with extended English summary)

10. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt U.J., Shishakov M.L. Basics of Computer Informatics: Textbook, Second edition.- Moscow, Filin Press, 1999, 545 p. (in Russian with extended English summary)

11. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Introduction into Environment of Mathematical Package Maple V.- Minsk: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 1998, 452 p., ISBN 14-064256-98 (in Russian with extended English summary)

12. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Mathematical Theory of the Classical Homogeneous Structures (Cellular Automata).- Tallinn-Gomel: TRG & VASCO & Salcombe Eesti Ltd., 1998, 300 p., ISBN 9-063-56078-9 (in Russian with extended English summary)

13. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Programming in Environment of Mathematical Package Maple V.- Minsk-Moscow: Russian Ecology Academy, 1999, 470 p., ISBN 4-10-121298-2 (in Russian with extended English summary)

14. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Solution of Physical, Technical and Mathematical Problems with Maple V.- Tallinn-Vilnius, TRG, 1999, 686 p., ISBN 9986-05-398-6 (in Russian with extended English summary)

15. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A., Hunt U.J., Shishakov M.L. Workstation for Mathematician.- Tallinn-Minsk-Moscow: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 1999, 608 p., ISBN 3-42061-402-3 (in Russian with extended English summary)

16. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Workstation of Mathematician.- Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2000, 752 p. + CD, ISBN 5-93208-052-3 (in Russian with extended English summary)

17. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Maple 6: Solution of Mathematical, Statistical, Engineering and  Physical Problems.- Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2001, 850 p. + CD, ISBN 5-93308-085-X (in Russian with extended English summary)

18. Aladjev V.Z. Interactive Course of General Theory of Statistics.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2001, CD with Booklet, ISBN 9985-60-866-6.

19. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Special Questions of Operation in Environment of the Mathematical Package Maple.- Vilnius: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch & Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2001, 208 p. + CD with Library, ISBN 9985-9277-2-9 (in Russian with extended English summary)

20. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Interactive Maple: Solution of Mathematical, Statistical, Engineering and Physical Problems.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2001-2002, CD with Booklet, ISBN 9985-9277-1-0.

21. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A., Grishin E.P. Additional Software of Mathematical Package Maple of releases 6 and 7.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2002, 314 p. + CD with Library, ISBN 9985-9277-3-7 (in Russian with extended English summary)

22. Aladjev V.Z. Effective Operation in Mathematical Package Maple.- Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2002, 334 p. + CD, ISBN 5-93208-118-ՠ (in Russian with English summary).

23. Aladjev V.Z., Liopo V.A., Nikitin A.V. Mathematical Package Maple in Physical Modelling.- Grodno: Grodno State University, 2002, 416 p., ISBN 3-093-31831-3 (in Russian with extended English summary)

24. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A. Computer Algebra System Maple: A New Software Library.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2002, CD with Booklet, ISBN 9985-9277-5-3.

25.  Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A., Prentkovskis O.V. A New Software for Mathematical Package Maple of Releases 6, 7 and 8.- Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2002, 404 p., ISBN 9985-9277-4-5, 9986-05-565-2.

26.  Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A. Systems of Computer Algebra: A New Software Toolbox for Maple.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2003, 270 p. + CD, ISBN 9985-9277-6-1.

27.  Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A., Vaganov V.A. Systems of Computer Algebra: A New Software Toolbox for Maple. Second edition.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, the Baltic Branch, 2004, 462 p., ISBN 9985-9277-8-8.

28. Aladjev V.Z. Computer Algebra Systems: A New Software Toolbox for Maple.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004, 575 p., ISBN 1-59682-000-4.

29. Aladjev V.Z., Haritonov V.N. General Theory of Statistics.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004, 256 p., ISBN 1-59682-012-8.

30. Aladjev V.Z. Computer Algebra Systems: A New Software Toolbox for Maple.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004, Adobe Acrobat eBook, ISBN 1-59682-015-2.

31. Aladjev V.Z., Haritonov V.N. General Theory of Statistics.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004, Adobe Acrobat eBook, ISBN 1-59682-016-0.

32. Aladjev V.Z. et al. Electronic Library of Books and Software for Scientists, Experts, Teachers and Students in Natural and Social Sciences.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2005, CD, ISBN 1-59682-013-6.

33. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Maple: Programming, Physical and Engineering Problems. CA: Palo Alto, Fultus Corp., 2006, 404 pp., ISBN 1-59682-080-2, Adobe Acrobat eBook (pdf), ISBN 1-59682-081-0.

34. Aladjev V.Z., Haritonov V.N. General Theory of Statistics.- CA: Palo Alto, Fultus Corp., 2006, 256 񮬠ISBN 1-59682-086-1, Adobe Acrobat eBook (pdf), ISBN 1-59682-081-0 (in Russian with extended English summary).

35. Aladjev V.Z. Computer Algebra Systems. Maple: Art of Programming.- Moscow: BINOM Press, 2006, 792 pp., ISBN 5-93208-189-9 (in Russian with extended English summary).

36. Aladjev V.Z. Foundations of programming in Maple: Textbook.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, 2006, 300 p., (pdf), ISBN 9985-9508-1-X, 978-9985-9508-1-4, (in Russian)

37. Aladjev V.Z., Boiko V.K., Rovba E.A. Programming and applications elaboration in Maple: Monograph.- Grodno: Grsu, Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, 2007, 456 p., ISBN 978-985-417-891-2, ISBN 978-9985-9508-2-1, (in Russian)


Tallinn, Estonia, March 18, 2007