The Tallinn Research Group and International Academy of Noosphere:
Scientific and Applied Activity over a Period 1969 - 2007

        Our scientific activity ascends to the Tallinn Research Group (TRG). The TRG was founded in 1969 by Prof. dr. Victor Zacharias Aladjev. At present the TRG consolidates more than a 35 researchers of the different Republics of the former USSR. The Group headquarters is located in Tallinn (Estonia), scientific activity of which is coordinated by President acad. V. Z. Aladjev, the executive director dr. V. A. Vaganov and scientific secretary dr. Ü.  J. Hunt. Now most important TRG activity within the framework of Academy themes is being made by efforts of scientists of such countries as Estonia, Byelorussia, Lithuania and Latvia.

        Now the Group is the constituent of Baltic Branch of the International Academy of Noosphere and largely works on its academic subjects. Main trends of scientific researches are such as: mathematical theory of the Homogeneous Structures (HS, Cellular Automata) and their applications, mathematics, cybernetics, informatics, mathematical modeling, mathematical and theoretical biology, computer science, computer algebra systems, applied programming, the publishing trade in the above areas, and some others. Within the framework of Academy the TRG cooperates with a series of the leading researchers and research groups in HS problems. Members of the TRG participated in work of a series of scientific conferences and other forums in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Japan, and other countries. The main scientific results of the TRG were published in a series of periodicals, transactions and proceedings in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, USSR, Holland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Estonia, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Moldova and other countries. The long TRG activities in the Homogeneous Structures problems received international recognition. At present, the TRG is as collective member of the Baltic Branch of the International Academy of Noosphere and the IFIP Working Group in Parallel processing by Cellular Automata.

        Started in frameworks the TRG of research under the mathematical Theory of Homogeneous structures (THS), received an international admission, will be proceeded and within the framework of the Baltic Branch. Substantially THS-problematics represents new interdisciplinary area starting to play all an increasing role in many model applications, especially in modern and perspective computer technique, physical and biological sciences. Thus, HS-conception is largely unique phenomenon - on the one hand, it is the basis of formal simulation of a lot of processes, phenomena and objects in a rather broad spectrum of areas, and with other - it has equivalent technical implementations by the way highly productive parallel CAM-computers, networks of transputers, systolic structures, cell-like processors etc., that does by its rather attractive as in theoretical, and applied researches in many areas of the modern science and engineering.

        For this reason THS-problematics starts to play a more and more noticeable role in such strategic the relevant scientific directions as perspective generations of computer technique, biological and physical sciences, and lot other. Now, in the Baltic Branch of Academy the intensive activity on preparation of the Interactive Encyclopedia of Homogeneous Structures (Cellular Automata) is carried out, which is intended to systematize all main as of today outcomes obtained on the given roughly developing section of modern mathematical cybernetics.

        In connection with researches under the mathematical theory of homogeneous structures the scientific outcomes of the TRG have received an international admission and formed the essential part of the fundamentals of the new section of modern cybernetics. Allowing our results on THS-problematics and their international admission, now in Academy is studied a problem on conditioning for operation of Baltic School and base of realization of large international conferences on the given problems. With the expectation of an outlook the large attention is given to personnel maintenance of the Baltic Branch. In this schedule the practice of preparation for balloting in the members of International Academy of Noosphere (sustainable development) of the most perspective scientists of the Baltic countries and Byelorussia through their active participation in the large scientific programs and projects both of the Baltic Branch, and Academy as a whole will be used already well recommending itself.

        Our scientific activity is stimulated both own concerns, and theme academic schedules, and also definite tactical reasons conditioned by an adding up as of today economical situation in territory of the former USSR. First of all, the present activity is essentially conditioned by financial capabilities, which for scientific researches are rather limited.

    In what follows, we present general of the work which we have done in the framework of TRG and Academy in the mathematical theory of Homogeneous Structures {Cellular Automata} and their applications in mathematical modeling, computer science, mathematical and theoretical biology, in parallel processing and parallel algorithms, and so on over the years 1969-2007.

For 2007 for the Baltic Branch the following fundamental directions of scientific activity are determined (with indication of scientific supervisors):

While the International Academy of Noosphere as a whole promotes:

During 1995 - 2007 the members {Prof. Dr. Aladjev V. Z. (35), Bogdevicius M. A. (8), Grishin E.P. (1), Hunt Ü. J. (14), Vaganov V. A. (9), Veetõusme R. A. (1), Shishakov M. L. (14), Rovba E. A. (2), Boiko V. K. (1)} of the Baltic branch have published 37 books and monographs in USA, Estonia, Lithuania, Byelorussia and Russia, and also a lot of other works in periodicals and Proceedings of various conferences.


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