Pittcon Editors' Awards 2008

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According to R & D magazine (March 6, 2008):

"Over the past 10 years, about 200 of the editors in attendance at Pittcon have selected the best examples of innovative and creative instruments showcased on the exposition floor. The sole criterion is that the nominated products appear on the exhibition floor for the first time. The editors caucus late Wednesday each year and vote for Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners. 2008 results are listed below, along with those that are awarded honorable mention - nominated, but not placed in the top three."

This years' informal poll of editors covering this major industry event for analytical instrumentation and laboratory equipment attracted over 25 nominations from about 20 nominating editors.... this is how the chips fell this year:

Pittcon Editors' Gold Award

Bruker AXS Smart X2S Crystal-to-Structure

Pittcon Editors' Silver Award

NLISIS Meltfit One

Pittcon Editors' Bronze Award

Bruker AXS S2 Picofox TXRF

Take the advice of the Pittcon Editors who put considerable time and effort into producing this gold, silver and bronze list of vendors that have distinguished themselves far and above the competition. You'll have to forgive us for not noting who wasn't worthy of inclusion on this select list.... they didn't even muster a nomination!


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