Shimadzu GC Blows Up (revisited)

....more evidence that Shimadzu's field service engineers are clueless!

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Last October 1999, we told you about the incendiary nature of some Shimadzu GCs. Some unhappy Shimadzu user wrote anonymously in the sci.chem.analytical newsgroup on January 29, 2000 that:

"I read about the explosive nature of some Shimadzu GCs in this newsgroup back last October 1999. Ever since then, I have been trying to determine if I have one of these pieces of sh*t in my lab. Shimadzu's not talking! I have called their service department and all I am getting is a 'no comment.'"

"When a company doesn't reply, you can bet that something is going on. Shimadzu has not rebutted the original claim and I'll be damn if I want to be killed or maimed while using one of their 'questionable products.' I'd like to know what Shimadzu GCs are involved. Until then, I will not be using the GC-14A sitting in my lab period!"

"To prospective cutomers, I would advise you that if you're considering a GC purchase from Shimadzu, make them put it in writing that the product is safe and has not been involved or the subject of any potentially dangerous problems including recalls. I can bet that Shimadzu doesn't want to admit to a GC problem in the field. No doubt that the cost of a recall would be prohibitively high! That's probably why Shimadzu is not talking! Liars.... damn sneaky LIARS!"

"If that doesn't tell you something, then I don't know what will!"

This was followed by another anonymous post which highlighted a festering problem within the Shimadzu field service department:

"I asked Shimadzu too about any dangers (we've got a GC-14A).... they [Shimadzu] say it was one case, and it most probably was the field engineer's fault."

Even if it was only one case, then it was one case too many. What other GC manufacturer has had one of their GC products explode at a customer site? Where there's smoke.... there's fire (if the Shimadzu logo is involved)!

n.b. Well, who trained this Shimadzu field engineer? Who oversaw his/her work? Where is that fabled Shimadzu quality control? Where is the follow-up? Are all Shimadzu field engineers trained like this? Do they get any hands-on training at all? Or are new hires just thrown into hostile situations and expected to perform? Isn't a poorly trained field engineer an indication of a much larger problem at Shimadzu? If Shimadzu cuts corners on training, where else do they take short-cuts? YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FINGERS AND TOES TO COUNT THE WAYS!

n.b. If this kind of Shimadzu work received ISO 9000 certification, then the certificate is not worth the paper it's printed on. Apparently, Shimadzu did a good job of snowing the ISO certification committee.... maybe they took the ISO group to a local bar complete with peep shows and private lap dances!

Shimadzu GC systems make great door stops (and that's about it)!

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