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Did Shimadzu Enslave American Soldiers?

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Thousands of American GIs were tortured and starved while working as slaves in Japanese mines during World War II according to an investigative report entitled "Former Slaves Seek Justice" which was broadcast by the ABC news magazine show 20/20 on May 25, 2001. Some 20,000 American soldiers were taken prisoner in the Pacific and put to work as slave laborers for Japanese companies including the giant Mitsubishi and Mitsui corporations, both of which have been named in lawsuits brought by WWII veterans. Neither Mitsubishi nor Mitsui would agree to be interviewed by 20/20 to discuss the lawsuit.... it's all part of that LIE, DENY and CONCEAL mentality perfected by the Japanese culture!

As noted back on July 1, 1997, there was a gapping void in the Shimadzu company timeline from 1936 (when aircraft equipment manufacturing started at Shimadzu) to 1947 according to published corporate archives dated thru 1997. As a result of a query forwarded to Shimadzu Consumer Alerts dated June 23, 1997 asking "did they [Shimadzu] make instruments for the Nazi's or were their instruments involved with American troop experiments the Japanese conducted," Shimadzu subsequently amended their corporate timeline sometime during 1998 to include other historical highlights dated 1939 and 1942 to quell the notion that they may have, in fact, committed heinous, illegal and dreadful crimes against humanity during World War II.

The questions still linger: 1) did Shimadzu make instruments for the Nazi's, 2) were Shimadzu instruments involved with American troop experiments conducted by the Japanese, 3) did any of Shimadzu's aircraft equipment or technology find its way into Japanese aircraft or aircraft carriers which were used to wage a surprise attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and 4) did Shimadzu enslave, torture and starve American soldiers during World War II? We may never know unless Shimadzu comes clean and gives a full and complete accounting of their bellicose activites during World War II. But that seems highly unlikely! Therefore, they are probably guilty by association. So, consider taking your analytical instrumentation, medical, biotech and aerospace business elsewhere.... and don't look back!

n.b. Unfortunately, we are unaware of Shimadzu's brazen activities during World War II but we would enthusiastically welcome any useful and accurate contributions! Shouldn't customers from all over the world be made aware of any unscrupulous activities involving Shimadzu and the Axis powers during World War II.... particularly if they willfully and deliberately alienated a race, religion, ethnic background or nation of citizens!


Expect Less Value and More Disappointment from Shimadzu

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