Forget about Shimadzu Data Systems

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The following request for information appeared under Data Systems in the TechTalk discussion forum at during December 1997:

We're in the middle of evaluating a new GC system for our laboratory and I was wondering if anyone knew the pros and cons of HP vs Varian vs Perkin-Elmer vs Shimadzu. Comments about the usability of the software (ie. functionality, customability, etc.) would be greatly appreciated.

The following eye-opening comments were posted in response:

"As far as the hardware is concerned, HP and Varian are in a class by themselves. PE has the same stuff as ten years ago.... I don't think I have to say anything about Shimadzu."

"The HP and Varian are the best systems from both a hardware and software point-of-view.... forget about Shimadzu if you want a research grade system."

n.b. It's absolutely incredible to think that anyone would mention Shimadzu with the likes of HP, Varian or PE in the same discussion much less the same sentence. These quality innovators are in a league of their own and a cut or two above Shimadzu!

n.b. Shimadzu data acquisition systems include Class VP (LC & GC chromatography software (formerly EZChrom)), Class 5000 (GC/MS software), UVPC (UV-Vis software) and TOC-Link (TOC software).... one would do quite well by avoiding them all - - - you can thank us later!
(At the time of this writing, Shimadzu announced the release of three new software programs, namely UV Probe, Hyper UV and TOC-PC.... Buyer Beware!)

n.b. Intuitive is not the middle name of any Shimadzu software program.... "incoherent" is the more realistic description that you should remember!

n.b. Shimadzu's Class VP is synonymous with Class Crap and/or Class VD!

n.b. Remember.... forget about Shimadzu if you want a research grade system!

Shimadzu Software Kicks.... the bucket!

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