Shimadzu's Outrageous Efforts to Regulate
Free Speech on the Internet

On June 29th, 1998, we emailed Chromtalk to inquire about the turnover of information on their website (ie. same articles, same topics, etc). On the 6th of July 1998, we received the following most disturbing response:

Subject: Shimadzu litigation

Well there are a couple of reasons. One is that we are currently under litigation from Shimadzu and Thermo from a couple of articles that we have had posted in our [Chromtalk] discussion room and sent out via our newsletter. So while that goes on, our lawyer has advised us to remove the articles from the discussion group. Unfortunately those were the most active threads and not too many people seem to be interested in discussing chromatography problems or helping others it seems.

We're still averaging a lot of hits on the page every day, but a lot are from Thermo and SSI servers keeping tabs on us.

I do want to congratulate you on you truth page about SSI and all of their practices. Those articles are most informative and deserve to be seen widely. I am sure that we will win our suit and hopefully people will start posting on the site [again].

....We have chosen to withhold the rest of Chromtalk's response because they are being sued. (Prediction: Shimadzu (and Thermo) don't have a leg to stand on! Do they specialize in buffoonery and intimidation? Why do we allow these dregs to stalk this Earth?)

To the best of our knowledge, the only dialogue that was posted in the Chromtalk discussion room regarding Shimadzu is reprinted below. Was this dialogue really worthy of a full-blown lawsuit from Shimadzu? Is this kind of information gathering/dissemination a protected form of free speech/free expression? If Shimadzu (or Thermo) would like to make their viewpoint(s) known, we will consider presenting a condensed form of their perspective(s) if they are emailed to: using their corporate servers.

Meanwhile, P. Connely queried on December 15, 1998:

"We're in the middle of evaluating a new GC system for our laboratory and I was wondering if anyone knew the pros and cons of HP vs. Varian vs. Perkin-Elmer vs. Shimadzu. Comments about the usability of the software (ie. functionality, customability, etc) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance."

In response, OJ replied on December 15, 1998:

"As far as the hardware is concerned, Varian and HP are in a class by themselves. PE has the same stuff as ten years ago.... I don't think I have to say anything about Shimadzu...."

In another response, B. Letter replied on December 31, 1997:

"The HP and Varian are the best systems from both a hardware and software point-of-view.... Again, this comes from over 14 years experience with all of the major brands of instruments (forget about PE and Shimadzu if you want a research grade system)."

n.b. This is a scary and very frightening prospect! Suppose that you wanted to tell one of your colleagues about the vices of a particular vendor's chromatography system. If Shimadzu (and Thermo) didn't like what you have to say, they could just turn around and sue you for expressing your opinions. It would appear that the only thing that Chromtalk did was to provide a forum on the internet for others to express their viewpoints. Do we want some analytical instrument vendors behaving in this ridiculous and frivolous manner? Will you tolerate this kind of repugnant vendor conduct as a prospective customer?

n.b. The St. Louis, Western Carolinas and The Triangle Chromatography discussion groups should take note of this outrageous development. If the Chromtalk discussion group was sued for such an innocent and petty matter, why would Shimadzu (and Thermo) think twice about expanding their aggressive (lawsuit-happy) practices? Surely, Shimadzu (and Thermo) do not and would not discriminate in whom they choose to sue - you could be next! How many times has Shimadzu initiated a lawsuit during the past several years.... we can tell you "it's more than a few!"

n.b. As consumers, we should be enraged with Shimadzu's (and Thermo's) contemptible actions. These corporate bullies are using their money and might to censure free speech on the internet! The arrogance displayed by these corporate scoundrels leads one to conclude that they specialize in steamrolling ordinary citizens and their unabridged constitutional rights. Shimadzu's egregious actions are designed to intimidate people to shut up and keep their opinions to themselves. This leaves us wondering out loud whether the internet is up for sale for the exclusive use and benefit of big business including Shimadzu (and Thermo).

n.b. In retrospect, it is abundantly clear that Shimadzu (and Thermo) can wage a war against an individual given their deep financial pockets and reserves. What is particularly unsettling is their blatant attempt to squash someone (in this case Chromtalk) and their right to freedom of expression. If Shimadzu (and Thermo) get away with these pugnacious actions in this instance, why would they think twice about pursuing someone else next time? Users who seek the open exchange of ideas for which the internet is known will likely abandon any forum or service (in droves) that stifles free speech! So if you have something truthful but unflattering to say about Shimadzu (or Thermo), consider doing it anonymously or risk facing the wrath of these corporate trolls!

n.b. Whether you agree or disagree with the viewpoints expressed on our homepage (the factual truths.... well we can't change that), we urge you to speak out strongly about Shimadzu's (and Thermo's) amazing litigious practices. We have an extensive corporate email contact list available at (perform a "Power Search" for "Shimadzu Contact Information" exactly) to voice your profound contempt for Shimadzu worldwide. Please show your support for the Chromtalk editor(s) considering their current predicament. Please copy this letter and forward/post in any available scientific forums/meetings/newsgroups including those hosted by the ACLU. Send a "crystal clear" message to Shimadzu (and Thermo) that you will not tolerate this kind of reprehensible conduct from any business or corporation worldwide. Consider the BOYCOTT of Shimadzu products and services! We don't need them.... make them realize how important customers really are by taking your business elsewhere!


Expect Less Value and More Disappointment from Shimadzu

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