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fan blade

This is an example of the work done by ARMR Radiography. Real time radiography was used on the real turbine blade and this is the resulting image captured digitally.

Our current project on turbo fan disk blade inspection. The project description : "An aircraft manufacturer requires a non-destructive technique for inspecting fan disks and blades used in their engines. The engine is a high bypass ratio turbofan engine, with a high pressure compressor stage, combustion stage, and low pressure turbine stage. Of interest, are potential brittleness and cracks formed in the titanium alloy high pressure fan disks and blades, which may be caused by nitrogen and oxygen introduced through atmospheric reaction with the molten titanium during fabrication. a technique is required to inspect both the first- and second- stage fans and the fan disk before assembly into the engine."

On the main page is another example of radiography. Three dimensional radiography was used on a computer mouse, and the results were animated to create the above rotating image.

Below find an image of an actuator. This image was captured using digital radiography and computed tomography.


This flashlight image was also created using x-rays.


prop photo prop cad

The image on the above left is a photo of a propeller. This propeller was then enclosed in a box, and radiography was used on the box. The scan data was then computerized and the CAD drawing on the right was created. Note the excellent result, how similar the two are.

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This document last updated February 28, 2000
Webmaster Robyn Merrithew