These quotes are courtesy of the lovely people I associate with at, aka the Tri-Net servers.

(+Eris7) that's not my point, the point is... eh...
(+Eris7) I dunno
(+Jeff) hehe
(+Jeff) sex is fun ?
(+Jeff) nm
(+Eris7) lmao
*Eris7 wouldn't know :P
(+Jeff) its fun but it can be a pain in the ass :)

(@T) [Laertes] I may have changed my attitude, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm right.

(Tiona_Ryan) hey we we
(Tiona_Ryan) >:)
(Laertes) we we ? ... sounds like urination
(Tiona_Ryan) exactly why I call him that... oy

(stupid) !STD
(Casino2) stupid has spun the Dagger...
(Casino2) and the Dagger points at...
(Casino2) Norman
(Casino2) stupid must kiss Norman...

fyi: if you don't know who stupid was... take a wild guess.

(+emh) save the ship huh ?
(+Naomi_Wildman) yep, you know I will...
(+emh) lmao
*Naomi_Wildman will shove my doll in a hull breach or something, lol

(+Argoth) "Im an engineer, explain it to me in those terms" well first, hes gonna get inside yout hull. Hes gonna find the main conector to you variouse compenets and take it apart. Then he is gonna resembel it using fake parts, to hopefully make you work beter... hehe
-note: I kept the typos for sentimentality :)

*Jeff smacks Galen

*Starling is astute
(Argoth) or idiot servant
(Argoth) hehe
(Starling) that's "savant", lmao

(+Argoth) <in a deep voice> "And then man discovered that they didnt have to use five hundred free hours, at limited times of the day. They crawled from the depths of the AOL cave that was binding them...and discovered such gifts as cable and DSL...but there were the few that stayed behind...may IRC have mercy on there souls.." - Argoth's Book

*Capt-Jaec passes Captain Braga in the Garbage Scow Voyager with his busty broad xo as he makes his way to bajor lol