Download pinout programme here!!! 750Kb Beam walking without propulsion or electronics
Let me first give a small introduction of myself:
I'm a nineteen-year-old guy from Holland with great interest in science, especially in robotics. This is my first web page that I have constructed, so that's why it's very basic.
In a monthly magazine I spotted an article about Beam-robotics, which attracted my attention immediately. I started surfing and reading and got really fascinated with it.
"Beam" stands for Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics and Mechanics. For a thorough explanation I recommend beam-online or White noise. On these pages there are enough links to keep you busy till Christmas.
This page will give you the opportunity to start in BEAM, through the BEAM course, witch starts with some basic electronics, and ends with a bicore walker.
Don't know what a bicore is? Read the article: "Bicore technology for dummies", as listed under "tech".
Most parts of this course are still in alpha stadium, but will be overhauled soon...
Enjoy the contents of this page, and check for updates regularly.
Bas van Vliet
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