Consultancies and Surveys

  1. Project development for fund raising -
    A. Reforestation along the Yangtze river in China and sustainable forest management using geospatial techniques -
    B. Project on Precision Farming in Hokkaido -

  2. Spatial information technologies for agricultural resource planning - Development of Embetsu Land Information Browser and Embetsu Rice Information System

  3. Soil erosion and opportunities for reforestation in northeast Thailand -

  4. Editorial Services - Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Mechanisms of Plant Nutrient Acquisition -

  5. Crop Information Systems for food legumes -

  6. Water resources development and environmental issues in Syria - Hokkaido Engineering Consultants, Ltd., Japan.

  7. Identification of the most suitable crop-tree combinations for agroforestry projects in dry lands of Central Maharashtra, India. (Institute for Integrated Rural Development)

  8. Optimization of light conditions for edible mushroom production in Hyderabad, India.

  9. Identification and development of Cuphea (an oilseed crop) germplasm as a substitute for coconut in soap and other related industries, Bombay, India.

  10. Formulation of guidelines, and identification of suitable Costa Rican and Malaysian oil palm germplasm for introduction to India (by private sector).

  11. Evaluation of the potential use of brassinosteroids (a group of plant growth promoting substances) in field crops (rice, maize, etc.) and horticultural crops (apple, tea, etc.).

  12. Feasibility studies on use of phenolics (growth inhibitors) in crop production.

  13. Analysis of constraints for adoption of contract farming by private sector for oilseed production in India.

  14. Feasibility study on application of tissue culture techniques in floriculture (production of flowers, primarily for export).

  15. Survey, and evaluation of remedial measures for iron chlorosis in groundnut production in semi-arid dry lands of Andhra Pradesh, India.

  16. Potential industrial applications of agricultural residues in irrigated tracts of the Godavari river basin.

  17. Assessment of potential benefits from drought-resistant rice genotypes.

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Last revised 15 January 1999