Consultancies and Surveys
- Project development for fund raising -
A. Reforestation along the Yangtze river in China and sustainable forest management using geospatial techniques -
B. Project on Precision Farming in Hokkaido -
- Spatial information technologies for agricultural resource planning - Development of Embetsu Land Information Browser and Embetsu Rice Information System
- Soil erosion and opportunities for reforestation in northeast Thailand -
- Editorial Services - Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Mechanisms of Plant Nutrient Acquisition -
- Crop Information Systems for food legumes -
- Water resources development and environmental issues in Syria - Hokkaido Engineering Consultants, Ltd., Japan.
- Identification of the most suitable crop-tree combinations for agroforestry projects in dry lands of Central Maharashtra, India. (Institute for Integrated Rural Development)
- Optimization of light conditions for edible mushroom production in Hyderabad, India.
- Identification and development of Cuphea (an oilseed crop) germplasm as a substitute for coconut in soap and other related industries, Bombay, India.
- Formulation of guidelines, and identification of suitable Costa Rican and Malaysian oil palm germplasm for introduction to India (by private sector).
- Evaluation of the potential use of brassinosteroids (a group of plant growth promoting substances) in field crops (rice, maize, etc.) and horticultural crops (apple, tea, etc.).
- Feasibility studies on use of phenolics (growth inhibitors) in crop production.
- Analysis of constraints for adoption of contract farming by private sector for oilseed production in India.
- Feasibility study on application of tissue culture techniques in floriculture (production of flowers, primarily for export).
- Survey, and evaluation of remedial measures for iron chlorosis in groundnut production in semi-arid dry lands of Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Potential industrial applications of agricultural residues in irrigated tracts of the Godavari river basin.
- Assessment of potential benefits from drought-resistant rice genotypes.
If you have comments or need further information, please email me at
15 January 1999