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[Artificial Life][Cellular Automata]

Artificial Life

Links to the most interesting ALife sites

Zooland Joerg Heitkoetter's Alife resources page
ALife Packages, with Conway's Game of Life, Tierra based systems and many more ...
Artificial Life Online at the Santa Fe Institute
Artificial Life group at Iowa State University
TheAvida Group at the California Institute of Technology
Autonomous Agents Research Group at Case Western Reserve University
CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository: Artificial Life and Complex Adaptive Systems
Bibliography until 1989
A collection ofArtificial Life resources
C.O.P.P. with Biotopia 2.0, a Darwinistic physical eco system
GeNeura Team with Mbiti: the evolution game
The Live Artificial Life Page
Play John Conway's game of life
Gopher to ANU's Research School of Biological Sciences
ALife related material at the University of Pennsylvania
Swarm, an ALife simulation software package
Virtual Creatures by Karl Sims (MPEG movie and papers)
The Tierra home page, with information about the Tierra digital evolution software
A Tierra simulator news articles

Archive of
Frequently Asked Questions from
Go to newsgroup

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