Fountain Spoons

There is something about fountains which intrigues me. The beautiful sculptures surrounded by falling water probably reminds me of nature's beautiful waterfalls.

Waterfalls are well represented on spoons, but fountains seem to be a rarity. In fact, I can't find any other spoons in my collection devoted to a fountain. That isn't to say that they don't exist.

I came across this interesting spoon identified as the Tyler Davidson Fountain in Cincinnati, Ohio. The handle is a standard Shepard wavy state handle. When I bought it, I didn't have the slightest idea what this was all about. A little research on the WWW quickly gave me the following fascinating insights.

CINCINNATI -- City officials are planning a $2.1 million face-lift of Fountain Square and the Tyler Davidson fountain, the one shown at the beginning of the television show "WKRP In Cincinnati."

"We're at a sort of last chance to catch these repairs," Deputy City Manager Richard Mendes told The Cincinnati Post yesterday. "It's not in real bad shape right now, but if we don't start catching it now, real damage will start to be done."

The renovation is scheduled to start in spring and to be completed in time for the city's annual Oktoberfest celebration.

The landmark fountain, made of 24 tons of bronze and 85 tons of stone, is falling apart from the inside. Officials fear underground conduits could rust, leaving electrical wires exposed to possible water leakage.

The site's waterproof membrane and drainage system also are causing water damage to the parking garage underneath the square, officials said.

The Tyler Davidson Fountain was a gift to the city from hardware merchant Henry Probasco in 1871. It was named in honor of his brother-in-law, Tyler Davidson.

The fountain -- formally known as the Genius of Waters -- was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in October 1979.

The 43-foot fountain features a woman with hands outspread, showering water onto four figures.


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Now that I know what the Davidson Fountain looks like, I was able to find it represented on another spoon. The handle on this spoon is a really nice full figural bridge which may be seen in the "Bridge Exhibit" from the main index.

Gooseman Fountain

Front and back views of the Gooseman Fountain in Nuremberg, Germany. The man is holding a goose under each arm. This fountain is one of the most popular in Germany. This nice 800 silver spoon features an art nuevo face and a very elaborate stem on the front and back, but a plain bowl. A number of other variations are also available.

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