Indian Spoons

Partial figure Indian spoons are also highly collectible. Most of the spoons are "generic" indians. The mythology of indians was rather developed at this point in time, and since the "white man" no longer feared the indians, most of the images shown on spoons are highly positive (as opposed to stereotype figures shown of blacks).

Nicely enameled indian spoon with a finial in the shape of an arrowhead and bowl engraved "San Bernardino, Cal". This spoon is also shown on the cover of Rainwater's book "American Spoons".

This many feathered indian is at the finial and below him is an indian on horseback

Canadian version of a multi-feathered indian

A most unusual picture of a "Mojave Indian" "selling beadwork". Found on the back of a skyline bridge spoon (see bridge exhibit). Note: the indian seems "sinister" because of the lighting.

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