abOut me
Hello - Hi - Ohayo - aLoHa - Oui^ - everybody.
My name is Wantana from Thailand. Anyway, you can call me "LeKey".
I'm a half-caste 'coz my dad is Thai, but my mom is Taiwanese.
In case, u wanna
give me a present, my birthday is July 28 ..
I graduated from Saint Joseph Convent School (Bangkok) - yellow bow.
I have lots of beloved friend from Saint-Jo
( Hey!! i really really love all of u guys na ja )
Then, I used 4 years to study at Rangsit University and graduated there with
a Bachelor Degree of Arts in Information Management.
I learnt many things in my life there .. from teachers & friends.
You know .. an impossible event can happen with everyone in this world.
I got a first class honor .. really 1st class ..WOW!!
OK .. I'll tell u the truth. Actually, I studied so hard, it wasn't the fluke.
After that, I didn't do anything for a while ..
just hung out with my friend and prepared for studying aboard.
Now, I'm studying at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, Hawai'i.
I chose to study Master degree in Science of Management Information system.
Hawai'i is really a beautiful States in US.
Ok .. I think that's enough for myself anyway.
By the way, This is my first homepage on the net that will display
my friend's pages and all of my cute web-pages. Hoping to see
your enjoyable feeling while surfing the net and looking over my pages.
For the person who read through this line,
you really be a person who have very good patience .. hee hee @^_^@
Oups!! one more thing, if you have a free time .. please vote for my dog by clicking at her URL below
However, my dog's page is in Thai . Hoping you can read Thai .. thanks in advance @^_^@
Bye bye with loads of love ka
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