About Me!

Hey wassup my wonderful admirars. Is that how you spell that? Oh well. Anyway, for a brief overview of who I am... here it goes: Hi I'm April, I am 17 and now a senior at Casa Grande High School in Petaluma, Cali, a suberb of San Francisco. Its cool here I guess, not too much to do, but it's do-able and a lot better than certain places in the midwest... Which I am from, born and kinda raised in Chicago, the I lived in Florida for about 5 years, and now I am here. Until next year when I go off the college somewhere in Southern Cali or Hawaii. We shall see. Ummm, my best friends are Stacy and Lara, theyre in my buddy section, I dont know if Lara is... But ya. I drive an 88 tercel, it sucks but it has massive personality. I work at Old Navy, the coolest place in the world. Ummm, my hobbies are singing, shopping, sleeping, and if I would ever get the money, raving. Oh and activism. Im very into politics and all that shit... Total gay rights person here, NO I AM NOT A LESBIAN OR BI. Ya,so no assumptions ok? Hhmmmm, I guess that is. If you want to know other stuff, check out my journal or mu music tastes section. Aite homies! Check ya'll later!There is more of me on my buddie section. Have fun!

Dan's Monkey Site, where I got this lovely comic

My favorite puppy dog Peachy!

Stupid Dog BAILEY

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