<BGSOUND SRC="/classsywolf/xfiles.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
                                 Nancy  had gone to the pumpkin patch,
                her long blonde hair  flowing,  blonde curls dancing in the wind.
                                   Always the "Apple of her Mothers eye."

                                            Skipping along, singing,
             "Mommy I want a different pumpkin this time, one like no one else. 
                                     I want my pumpkin to be special!"

                   Nancy  looked over all the pumpkins, when all of a sudden,
                                with a glimmer in her sparkling eyes.....
                              "Look Mommy, there it is, my pumpkin!"

               Hmmmm the Mother said, "are you sure?"  Reluctantly she paid
                             for the ugly  wrinkled, misshapen pumpkin.
                    Nancy  hugged her pumpkin and cupped it in her arms.

                          While carving out the pumpkin with her Mother,
                                             "isn't this fun?"
          Her Mother  smiled with joy over her daughters delight of Halloween.          
                          "You just wait  Mommy, my pumpkin will be
                             the most beautiful you have ever seen!"

            They put a smily face on the pumpkin with teeth, slanted bullish
                            eyes and a big candle to shine brightly.
             That night out on the porch the "Ugliest Pumpkin" was shining
                       brightly, as all  the children arrived in costume
                                  and saying "Trick or Treat"

          A few of the children stopped to marvel at the "Halloween Pumpkin",
                               and one  little boy said to the group,
                      "my gosh, that pumpkin seems to have a glow
                                 of warmth and happiness.....
                       look at the smile on his beautiful face."

          Nancy  peering from the window, a tear streaming down her cheek,
                    "my  pumpkin has a heart  and it beats brightly
                                for all the children to enjoy."

                   Happy Halloween Everyone
         Through the eyes of a child, how beautiful!
               Dedicated to my daughter "Nancy"
The Ugliest Halloween Pumpkin
Evtravaganza Special Occasion 2