
...and other stuff I spend my time on

I like to think of myself as a well rounded individual, but there are a few things that I spend more time on than others. My main interests as of late are reading, writing, art, shopping, music, home decoration, cyber surfing, and the endless pursuit of greater knowledge. I'm including some links to websites dedicated to my interests because who knows, maybe you're interested in this stuff too.

Link to Music Page

My musical tastes cover a broad spectrum of genre's ranging from hard core hip hop to alternative and ska music, and covering all the in betweens. It's hard for me to put my finger on any specific favorite artists but here's where you can find out more about a couple that I do like.


Other Interests

Art (more specifically drawing)

I used to be really into art stuff in high school. I kinda hate that I got out of it. Maybe if I'd have stuck with it i'd be good by now. I got stuck in an art class when I was in the 6th grade by accident and the assignment on the first day was to draw your hand. I did just that and for some reason the teacher was really impressed with my work. It wasn't all that spectacular. I think she was impressed by my attention to detail and the fact that I didn't trace my hand to complete the assignment. Unfortunately I only stayed in that class for about a week because they corrected my schedule and put me in a violin class. If I had have known then what I know now I would have stayed in the art class because I sucked at the violin. Anyway I got into another art class in the 8th grade and once again impressed the teacher. When I look back at my work it looks pretty pitiful, but I guess at the time it was pretty good. I took art again in highschool and really got into "seeing" what I was drawing and almost got good. Then when I graduated I kinda quit drawing when I went to college. I truly intend to pick up my pad and pencil again in the near future before all of what's left of my ability is gone. Here's the web site of a girl who attends FAMU who didn't stop drawing. Her work is awesome. You should check it out.

Karmella Haynes Webpage


Visit my Shopaholics Page. It's still under construction at the moment, but look for exciting shopping links and other shopaholic type info.

Cyber Surfing

I spend a lot of time roaming the internet, so if you know of any cool websites that you'd like to share with me please do so. My email address is shown below.

If you happen to have a website of your own here are a few sites that might be of interest to you.

Extracurricular Activities

At FAMU I'm involved in a couple of organizations. NSBE and FGAMP are two of them. Click on the icons below to find out more about these groups.

NSBE logo
FGAMP link
Mardi Gras Page

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