During the Thirties, Gross seemed anxious to create new strips and was constantly ending one to start another. His popularity was such that Hearst hired him in 1931 and gave him free rein to do whatever he wanted. The list of strips from that era includes:
1936 saw publication of two more books, Pasha The Persian and What's This?
By the 1940's Gross was a recognizable celebrity and was working on films scripts in Hollywood and a radio show based on That's My Pop!. His last book I Shouda Ate the Eclair was in 1946, in which Mr. Figgits nearly starts World War III because he refuses the chocolate eclair at his local cafe.While still somewhat in dialect, the ensuing years since Nice Baby have improved everyone's speech immensely.Also in 1946, Gross appears in a new comic book called Picture News. It only ran for ten issues, but Gross was in almost every issue. Below, shows the wild cartooning style and the lengths to which he would go to make a pun. The inspiration for the page? Probably a newspaper article on clothing from synthetic material.
In 1950, two earlier books were combined and given new life as Hiawatta and De Night in De Front From Chreesmas, just in time to introduce a new generation to his special brand of humor.
Gross died in 1953 from a heart attack after semi-retiring in 1945 from a first attack. His last book was Dear Dollink in 1945.
The vast majority of the personal information in this page was taken from The World Encyclopedia of Comics .