America's # 1 Epidemic
Dr. Joel Robbins M.D.
Dr. Joel Robbins demonstrates some of the more prominent health problems
that the average American has and what he can do about it. This is a summary
of his audio-tape message:
"America today is 100th from the top in the field of
health. What are the reasons? A)Poor eating habits, poor quality food,
and depleted soil.
B) Auto-intoxication from chemicals found in our water supply and in
our foods such as food coloring, preservatives, and so forth, all the foreign
substances our bodies were not designed to accommodate. What does the word
auto-intoxication mean? It means self-poisoning, poisons from within ourselves.
If we do not digest our food properly we are going to develop problems.
Self poisoning, especially from poor bowel habits, poor digestion, is quite
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