America's # 1 Epidemic
Dr. Joel Robbins M.D.

85% of the American population is believed to have parasites. We have more parasitic infections of certain types in America than they have in Africa.

This high infection rate is a surprise to most people. Parasites are not choosy about whom they infest. Most people think that they are immune to parasites. But they are not. Parasites can be microscopic in size and be many feet in length. The list of symptoms which parasites can cause include chronic fatigue, anemia, itching, fever, intestinal instruction, chest pain, yeast overgrowth, allergies, forgetfulness, slow thinking, blurry vision, numbness of hands, bed-wetting, arthritis, lupus, etc., just about any problem we can think of could be caused or is being made worse by parasites.

Parasites are not the cause of all of our ills, but even if they are not the cause, parasites will definitely aggravate or worsen problems which already exist in our bodies.

How can we become infected? The first and obvious cause is lack of sanitation. When we eat infested produce, when children play in infested sand or play with infested toys, or anyone who comes in contact with diapers is at risk. Did you know that over 47% of Americans do not wash their hands in public washrooms? Some of these people work in food preparation places.

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