America's # 1 Epidemic
Transcript of a message by Dr. Joel Robbins M.D.
Dr. Robbins is a Medical Doctor and Chiopracter. He became frustrated with
the medical field and
the realization that he was treating only symptoms but not the root causes of
health problems. So he
sold his practise, and while he was waiting to hear from a Seminary which he
planned to attend, he
familiarized himself with the subject of better health through nutrition.
What he learned was so
exciting that he went back into health with a renewed vision. Now he is
educating people by
teaching them how they can help themselves and avoid many health problems and
illnesses. He has
a very busy practise and many thankful ex-patients.
Dr. Joel Robbins demonstrates some of the more prominent health problems that
the average
American has and what he can do about it. This is a summary of his audio-tape
"America today is 100th from the top in the field of health. What
are the reasons?
A)Poor eating habits, poor quality food, and depleted soil.
B) Auto-intoxication from chemicals found in our water supply and in our foods
such as food
coloring, preservatives, and so forth, all the foreign substances our bodies
were not designed
to accommodate. What does the word auto-intoxication mean? It means self-poisoning,
from within ourselves. If we do not digest our food properly we are going to
develop problems.
Self poisoning, especially from poor bowel habits, poor digestion, is quite common.
How many people do you know who have problems with gases and constipation or
bowel syndrom? Probably 9 out of 10 people have some form of problem with the
tract. You see, even if we digest our foods, if the waste products are not eliminated
in a timely
fashion, they are going to absorb back into our bodies as toxins. If we do not
digest properly
and the food rots in the bowels, that produces some rather toxic problems from
the by-products
of putrefaction. It is known as toxic overload or toxic bowel syndrom and is
going to hurt us in
two ways: The first is when our body is trying to neutralize the poisons that
wastes energy, and
secondly these toxins in the bowel create a cesspool.
That leads us to the third leading cause of health problems and one of the
most serious ones,
and that is a problem with parasites. The parasite problem is a growing issue.
Almost daily we
read or hear about parasitic problems in North America. Friends, it is not a
passing problem
or a fad. It is real! North America needs to take this issue seriously! Many
documents are
being issued on this problem of parasites including by medical sources.
There are at least 300 types of parasites in the United States. Every parasitic
disease known
has been diagnosed in the United States according to the Center For Disease Control.
about that. One child in 5 in the general population has pin worms and up
to 90% of
children in institutions. Tapeworm infections have increased by over 100% in
the last few years.
Over 50% of the adult population do carry dormant toxoplasmosis parasites, those
come from
85% of the American population is believed to have parasites. We have more
infections of certain types in America than they have in Africa. These parasites
can be dormant
in our bodies and cause serious problems only when our health gets run down or
we are in a
stressful situation. 15% of the infected people are A-symptomatic, that means
they do not
experience any symptoms. 25% have symptoms which they ignore, 55% of persons
infected will
have a compromised quality of life, another 5% is disabled because of parasites.
This high infection rate is a surprise to most people. Parasites are not choosy
about whom they
infest. Most people think that they are immune to parasites. But they are not.
Parasites can be
microscopic in size and be many feet in length. The list of symptoms which parasites
can cause
include chronic fatigue, anemia, itching, fever, intestinal instruction, chest
pain, yeast overgrowth,
allergies, forgetfulness, slow thinking, blurry vision, numbness of hands, bed-wetting,
etc., just about any problem we can think of could be caused or is being made
worse by
Parasites are not the cause of all of our ills, but even if they are not the
cause, parasites will
definitely aggravate or worsen problems which already exist in our bodies.
How can we become infected? The first and obvious cause is lack of sanitation.
When we eat
infested produce, when children play in infested sand or play with infested toys,
or anyone who
comes in contact with diapers is at risk. Did you know that over 47% of Americans
do not
wash their hands in public washrooms? Some of these people work in food preparation
Parasites can live under our nails for 2 months and we put our fingers to our
face many times
during the day, more than 50 times. We can get roundworm from fish which can
lead to
abdominal pain, stomach cancer and ulcers. Pork tapeworm can get up to 30 years
old. Beef
tapeworm can grow up to 20 feet long. Our food, meat specifically, needs to be
Our pets can give us up to 240 different kinds of diseases. Dogs can transmit
65 different
diseases to humans and cats 39. Diseases which we only used to see in animals
are showing
up in humans now. The United States has the highest infection rate of toxoplasmosis
in the
More and more reports about infected drinking water are coming out. Parasites
can be the
agents of death in elderly and weakened people when they drink such water. Microscopic
parasites can pass through even the most advanced filtering system; even the
chemicals which
we are using against them can't be effective in killing all of the parasites.
Drinking water, swimming pools, hot tubs are all breeding grounds for certain
types of
parasites. It is best to avoid all public pools and hot tubs.
Travel to foreign countries, Americans going to other countries bring back
parasites which our Doctors often can't recognize. Our Doctors simply are not
to recognize most parasitic infections. The symptom picture is so wide and varied,
many other things can cause those same symptoms. Therefore it is difficult to
pin down
the cause of illness. Also it is socially taboo to talk about parasites or to
admit that 'I
might have parasites'. Then there is widespread ignorance about the subject.
Now you are asking, how can I detect if I have parasites? Well, one method
stool-tests. This is the most medically accepted method. But there are a couple
problems. The first one is that often when stool-tests are done there usually
is just one
sample, a spot-check. To be accurate however, one needs to take at least 3 to
different samples. Otherwise the parasite may be missed.
Then there is a further problem insofar as the tests are species specific.
It means that
the tests are done to detect a specific species. However as was mentioned earlier,
are about 300 known species. That means that 300 tests may have to be run. At
most there are about 6 tests done in the average testing. So if they do not test
for your
specific parasites they are being missed.
Another method of detecting parasites is visually. Most parasites however cannot
seen. Though pin-worms manifest themselves visually, most other parasites do
Another method of detecting parasites is by symptom picture, just analyzing
how a
person feels. But because the symptom picture is so wide and varied many other
can cause the same symptoms.
That brings us to the preferable method. Simply assume that you
have parasites since
most Americans have parasites. Besides you can save yourself some money. Tests
parasites are not cheap. In fact it is less expensive to do the treatment for
them than it is
to do the testing.
How do we treat for parasites? 1) Remove the parasites. We can do it through
and medication. Number one, the drugs are toxic to the body. They may kill the
but they also do harm to the body. Another problem with the medication is that
are species specific. A particular drug only wipes out a particular species of
If you don't happen to have that particular parasite the drug won't help you.
2) Through herbal preparations. Here you need to look for very specific ingredients
a parasite cleansing product. There needs to be a specific combination of herbs
to do the
trick, to get them all. Here they are: Green hull black walnut, clove, cramp
bark, fennel
seed, hyssop, black seed, pumpkin seed, gentian root, thyme and grapefruit seed.
must be in that order to be effective. The black seed which boosts the immune
system is
extremely important to help deal with parasites. These are the only ingredients
which I
have found, in that particular combination, that really gets the job done.
I have found only one product on the market which contains the right combination,
because this is an educational tape I cannot mention that product's name. I have
and tried many other parasite cleansing preparations on the market, but they
just have not
been doing the job.
We spend more time, effort and money to see that or pets don't have parasites
than we
spend on ourselves. Yet when we think about it, isn't it important that we should
cleansing ourselves from the inside out?
Remember, I mentioned the cesspool earlier. Parasites thrive and breed in the
So what we must also do is, remove the cesspool. How do we do that? We need to
ensure proper bowel function. Only a properly functioning digestive system can
the cesspool. We should be eliminating at least one time a day, if not two or
three times a
If you are not experiencing regular full evacuations then I suggest a natural
bowel product.
But be careful here. There are lot of products out there that make the bowel
lax and
dependent on that product. Rather we should look for a product that strengthens
bowel system and teaches it to regulate itself.
Here is a list of herbs that you should look for in a true digestive system
cleansing product:
psyllium seed husk, rhubarb root, fennel seed, corn silk, King Solomon seed,
and kelp.
They should be in that order on the label. King Solomon seed might be unfamiliar
to you,
but it is essential to the recipe. Make sure that it is in there.
Finally make sure to restore and maintain the body's vitality and health. Build
up the
immune system. Parasites are opportunists. They are looking for weak systems.
If you do
not maintain your body's vitality and keep the cesspool away the parasites will
come right
back again.
The following points are important to remember:
Reduce the intake of processed and refined foods. You need to watch the white
flour and
the white sugar, reduce animal protein intake, reduce the coffee, cokes, all
those things
which everybody knows. Now I am giving you a reason to do it. Also, increase
the intake
of 'life' food, raw food, foods that have vitality such as fruits and vegetables,
whole grains.
Why? Because these have the enzymes and the vitamins that our bodies desperately
in order to maintain themselves and run properly.
Also we need to supplement with a natural multivitamin mineral product so that
we can
repay the debts that we have created during the years when we were eating foods
were missing the nutrients that we needed.
But don't just get any product. Get your money's worth. Here are a few guidelines
make sure that you are going to accomplish what you desire.
Number one, make sure that the minerals are organic plant-source minerals.
What is
commonly sold as a mineral product is rock-source or colloidal products. Our
just can't assimilate those properly. Do you eat rocks? Does our body need rocks?
We all know we can't live on rocks. Those minerals do not have enzymes attached
them to allow our bodies to process that mineral into our physiology and use
it. So the
minerals which we purchase must have a plant-source (organic minerals). The best
source of minerals known to man comes from a plant called Island Plant Moss.
How about vitamins? Again, they must be 'live' and usable by the body. Plant-source
the way to go. Now there are a lot of supplements out there but only a few of
them are
plant-source. Most of them are derived from inorganic sources, petroleum bi-products,
they mix various chemicals together in the Laboratory and say that they are all
wonderful vitamins, but that is not necessarily so. We need to make sure that
supplements are 100% plant source.
Do you realize that in nature there are many components that go with the vitamins
help our body use them? For example vitamin C is commonly known as ascorbic acid.
Did you know that vitamin C as found in nature has seven different components
only one of those is ascorbic acid?
Now we can manufacture ascorbic acid in a Laboratory, but we can't manufacture
others that are vital for our bodies to use ascorbic acid as it is meant to.
So we want
the plant source because it has all of those vital co-factors that are needed
for health.
I personally recommend a product that has 190 ingredients. Here are
the key
ingredients which are in that incredible product: A soy amino acid complex, essential
fatty acids, a whole green complex, electrolyte activators with co-enzyme Q10,
advanced botanical anti-oxidants, a fruit and a vegetable phyto-nutrient complex,
plant-enzyme concentrate in a proprietary herbal combination with aloe vera which
includes King Solomon seed, Echinacea root, Alfalfa leaf, Ginger root, and Ginkgo
Biloba. One of the great things about this product is that you only need to take
ounce a day and you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals in addition to
all the
other necessary components. People love it because it is so convenient.
All these products which I mentioned were formulated by a wonderful man named
Ahmad. He is a Master Herbalist from the Aboukhazaal lineage whose family has
history of perfecting herbal formulas for at least a thousand years. These are
formulas passed down through many generations.
If you want the results, then you must use these products formulated by Ahmad.
Now friends, I am a professional and I have seen these products work in my own
practice. Let me just cite a few cases: The most common thing that I see is increase
in energy. Everybody is needing more energy, and as people get on these products
and clean the body and replenish and feed it, that is one of the most noticeable
thing that we see.
Headaches, people that have suffered from headaches for years and have seen
kinds of Doctors and tried all kinds of remedies without having success, the
headaches went away as the body got cleaned out. Headaches are often simply a
toxic body. It is a brain crying out because it is too toxic.
I have seen one lady, she has suffered from eczema all of her life since she
was an
infant. She was in her late thirties. Eczema is a condition where the skin is
itchy and
scaly, sometimes it oozes. She had tried remedy after remedy after remedy, and
we put her on the products to clean her body out, rid her of parasites, and replenish
the nutrients she was lacking, her eczema cleared up. You can't imagine how elated
she was.
I have seen patients with stiff joints, arthritic type symptoms that have dissipated
using these products. Constipation, another very common illness, we have seen
clear up as a person gets the body balanced using these products through proper
So often people do not get relief from their health challenges because they
are not
treating the causes, they are just treating the symptoms. Example: When
the fire
alarm goes off and you get pliers and cut off the wires to the alarm, the alarm
But did you stop the fire? No. Just because you don't hear the alarm does not
the fire is out. It is the same with our bodies. The symptoms are our friends,
they are
alerting us to a problem. But if we do something to simply cover the symptoms
have not dealt with the cause and we are asking for more serious problems down
the road.
It is important to understand that you can be taking the best supplements in
world, but if you are having parasites, who knows how much nutrition you are
actually getting from those supplements. If you are not ensuring good bowel
cleansing the cesspool still exists. How about the food you eat, is it taking
from your health because it is lacking the nutrients that your body so desperately
So many health problems we see in our daily lives are things we dismiss as
aging. We assume that because we are getting older we are supposed to fall apart.
What we are observing there is what is common, not necessarily what is normal.
We have to stop compromising and get back to cleansing and nourishing the body
properly and regularly in combination. After all we are what we eat and most
Americans live on borderline or below ideal nutrition.
We like to blame our Doctors for our health problems, they are just not smart
enough, when really we need to look in the mirror. Ultimately we are responsible
for our own health. We need to educate ourselves and we need to take on a
personal responsibility.
Remember, parasitic infections are America's Number One epidemic. It is not
going to go away! It does not matter who you are, everybody is susceptible to
acquiring parasites and having ones health fall apart. We as North Americans
need to learn how to deal with the problem and how to defend ourselves and
our families. It is up to us to get the message about these health issues and
solution to this worldwide problem out which is to cleanse the body and refuel
the body and make it stronger. Thank you for your time. I wish you and your
family the best of health."
End of message.
The rest of the tape is filled with astounding testimonials from
users of the
products, especially from other health care practitioners.
If Dr. Robbins has convinced you and you are now wondering how you can
get the products which the Doctor had in mind and just want to learn more
about them, or if you are interested in purchasing them and perhaps even
want to join our team of distributors, you are invited to make contact. All
you have to do is click
on this pre-configured email code and as soon as
possible you will be contacted.
This page is owned by Ursula Kulju who is a distributor for 100% pure
herbal preparations.