I am mini enthusiast, Peggye L. Mills, Proprietor, PLM Creations, San Antonio, Texas. PLM has previously been devoted to desktop publishing & public relations. My son is Ron S. Mills, President of Mills & Mills Construction, a home improvement and remodeling firm, also located in San Antonio.

Ron is CEO/Designer of PLM Creations, Dollhouse Division. I fulfill administrative and marketing functions for our projects. None of our products are developed from kits. Each design is original. For the time being, we will market only finished structures (furnished or unfurnished) and furnishings.

Our story is not an unusual tale. Ron recently sold a large home improvement corporation and is starting again with a new entrepreneurship. I was the recipient of a liver transplant January 31, 1998. My lengthy recuperation had been driving me crazy. I had begun to feel so non-productive. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

The rest is history. We are now addicted to miniatures. Someone should put out a general alert, BEWARE! "Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be miniaturists . . ." (just a little ol' Texas song.) It doesn't take long to get hooked on minis.

We are committed to this venture both for pleasure, therapy and monetary rewards.

Ron and I have had partnerships/joint ventures in the past. We work very well together and have the same attitude toward the quality of our products and attention to detail. As someone once said, "there's no business like repeat business." (Or did I just make that up?)

Wee Small Mall Story

As someone once said, "there's no business

like repeat business." (Or did I just make that up?)

Phone: 210/661-5832

Fax: 210/666-6710

To contact us:

Home of the Mall | Wee Small Mall Story | Christmas Holiday Projects '98 | Valentine's Day at the Mall | Smaller Scales at the Mall | Miscellaneous Projects | Under Construction | Wee Small Mall Sales | Related Mini Links

Peggye Mills

Ron Mills

PLM Creations

PLM Creations
3706 Candlewind Lane

San Antonio, Texas  78244