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Dave's Kitchen
Sandys Art & Crafts
Photo Album 2
Photo Album
Virtual Mall
Sandy's Flowers
Sun & Fun in Lakeland Florida
A Day on the Lake
Vance Photos
Nathaniel Bransford Huffman
Welcome Sara
Meredith's Page
Ben's Page
Video & Music
God Answers Prayers

Our Retreat

Dave and I love to spend weekends on the Kentucky Lake, at Mansard Island.  These pictures are from the first weekend we took our "new" "used" boat out for a test drive.  Click on the pictures for enlargements, then click the back button to return. 

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The Captain

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His motley crew

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Would be captain

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Lake Scene

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Ray in the tube

Very short video




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Being towed back to shore!

At the end of our wonderful day, we had to be towed back to shore.  After loading the boat on the trailer, the rope broke and the boat went back into the water.  After loading it on the trailer the second time, the boat began to pull the truck into the water.  We have faith that this will get BETTER!

Another and Better Weekend at the Lake-August 5th, 2000

The boat is now running much better, although the fan belt did break and Dave had to make one out of his shoe strings to get us back to shore to buy a new one!

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Dave at Budweiser Beach

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Dave a rowin'

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Josh & Meredith

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Meredith - 17 months old

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She loves breakfast!

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and smiles all day long!  Being a grandmother is not so bad after all.

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Can you tell Meredith is expecting a little brother in December?

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Ray on Tube

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Our Lake Home

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Getting ready to go tubing

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Wipe out!


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Sandy: sandy@cobbwebdesign.com  Dave:dave@cobbwebdesign.com

  This page was last updated on 11/27/00.