These statistics are horrendous.
It really and truly makes me sick just to think about it. Before I started
dealing with my abuse, I was convinced that most Rapes and Sexual Abuse
was being afflicted by stranger. God was I ever wrong. Most of the people
I have met so far have been abused by someone they knew. In fact
the statistics show this to be true. Only 29%
committed by people they did not know, that leaves 71%
being committed by people they knew and trusted. If this is not sick then
what is???????
Research indicates that 1out
of every 4
children will be the victim
of sexual abuse before reaching age
These figures are low considering a lot of abuse goes un-reported. In 1996
according to the U.S. Department of Justice Statistics, only 31%
of rapes and sexual assaults were ever reported. That's about 1
in 3
About 68%
of victims that reported the abuse said they knew their abuser. 9
out of 10 victims
are women. Somewhere in America a woman is raped every min
Somewhere in the WORLD a child is being abused
every couple of seconds.
Abuse does not have to be only sexual, it can
be verbal or emotional as well as physical. Even a one time episode
of sexual abuse should be dealt with for the child's sake. Even once
is to much for a child to have to live the rest of it's life with.
We must realize this, so that our children do not have to continue
to suffer at the hands of these perpetrators. Sexual abuse of a child is
very often perpetrated by people whom the child knows. Fathers, Mothers
(yes woman do abuse) Step dads, Uncles, Brothers, Baby-sitters, Family
friends, Teachers, Priests, Rabbis or ANYONE. Most times it's
the person we fear the least, and trust
the most. It is also possible for a child to be sexually abused by
more than one person at a time. Only 29
% of female victims reported
that their offender was a stranger, and only
there offenders used a weapon.
According to the Bureau of U.S. Department
of Justice Statistics
From 1996 to 1997 Violent crime declined 7%
Homicide rates declined to levels equal to
Robbery was down 7%
from 1996-1997
Simple assault rates were down from 1996-1997
Burglary down, Theft down, Motor Vehicle theft