

Next week officially makes it 8 weeks since I applied for a KeenSpace account. I guess when they say 4-8 weeks they really mean it.

I lost my job since the last news item. You'd think I'd have more time and ideas about new cartoons since then. This is not true. I guess I'm more concerned with other things (lower in Maslow's pyramid).




I'm thinking about trying this daily. I have enough on a MWF schedule to last me through mid-December.

Also, took a look at going M-F. Here's what that archive would look like.


Now up to 15 cartoons. Media includes: photography, ink sketch, Photoshop drawings and fills, chalk.

Go to the new archive page for links to all the drawings.




Site design in progress.

Site design in progress. It has been a while since I made any updates, but here are two new editorials for you. I've got no news. Just waiting for KeenSpace to get it act together. I've got no news. Just waiting for KeenSpace to get it act together.

I've got no news. Just waiting for KeenSpace to get it act together. I've got no news. Just waiting for KeenSpace to get it act together. I've got no news. Just waiting for KeenSpace to get it act together.


This is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item.

This is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. is the bogus news item. Now a link here featuring Evan Dando.