Welcome to my Guestbook!

06/26/99 23:24:33
Name: Ahmed Fady My Email: Email Me nationality: Egyption
your best software: photoshop Your op. system: win95 Your best movie: HEAT
Your best song: because u loved me (celin)

nice page, i hope i see some motion soon, u know some cartoons moving around the page.. by the way is this commercials for money ?, if it is i may think of making a homepage soon :-)

06/14/99 13:36:59
Name: Fahmi ANWAR My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me nationality: Egyptian
your best software: Bosh-Bosh Your best song: I think I love you

Bravooooooooooooooooo.....bosh-bosh Keep on the same lane ....... Fahmi

04/18/99 18:01:45
Name: Tarek Youssef My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
nationality: Egyptian your best software: Norton Utilities Your op. system: Windows 95/98
Your best software: Microsoft's Fury3 Your best movie: Ismaiil Yassin in Alcatel Your best song: Alf leila wa leila

It is a very nice work . You are always leading . We are waiting for more .

04/13/99 19:18:14
Name: Ahmad Hassan My Email: Email Me nationality: Egyptian
your best software: winzip Your op. system: also u know it. Your best software: again??!!!!
Your best movie: wa islamah Your best song: mafeesh :-)

salamou alaykom I this is my second visit to ur site. congratulations. it is getting better, my opinion: consider putting ur photo and background music, visitors counter,... etc. keep up the good work besh besh... :-) miss ur friendship . salamou alaykom

04/12/99 11:03:58
Name: Virginie DECLERCQ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
nationality: FRENCH your best software: ADIBOU Your op. system: Win. 98
Your best movie: White Snow

Very good site ... Friendly Virginie

04/10/99 01:38:41
Name: Fahmi ANWAR My URL: Visit Me nationality: Egyptian
your best software: Win 98 Your op. system: windows 98 Your best software: MS office
Your best movie: The great race Your best song: Feelings

This is my second visit and second signature in your Guestbook Congratulations my dear it's getting better FAHMI

04/09/99 04:21:39
Name: FAHMI anwar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
nationality: Egyptian your best software: BOSH BOSH Your op. system: win 98
Your best software: MS office Your best movie: Those magnificient men and their flying machines Your best song: Feelings


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