Arizona397 (9:14:38 PM): anyways, what college are you planning to go to?
jmr16pc (9:14:43 PM): Could you send me the code for how you did the click on thing in your profile
Arizona397 (9:16:11 PM): what? the thing labeled "click here and press enter"?
jmr16pc (9:16:53 PM): Yep
jmr16pc (9:17:07 PM): COuld you e-mail it to me if i give you my e-mail address
Arizona397 (9:17:26 PM): I have to get off soon so I'm just gonna type it in here
jmr16pc (9:17:37 PM): great'
jmr16pc (9:17:56 PM): then cut n paste it to the profile, in HTML source cod
Arizona397 (9:18:55 PM): aim:goim?screenname=arizona397&message =You+are+sooo+sexy!
jmr16pc (9:19:19 PM): how do i place it in
Arizona397 (9:19:24 PM): ok, just read through that. You have to change the screenname and message. then you'll be good to go
Arizona397 (9:19:35 PM): what do you mean?
Arizona397 (9:19:48 PM): are you asking how do you make it wording instead of code?
jmr16pc (9:20:51 PM): yes
jmr16pc (9:22:04 PM): 8-)
Arizona397 (9:22:10 PM): easy. just click on the
little button labeled link
which is right
next to the underline button on this chat window.
Arizona397 (9:22:28 PM): place the code under HYPERLINK URL and the text under HYPERLINK TEXT