Welcome to my Guestbook! This is what people have had to say so far about ST Store.

panther3 - 07/25/00 13:35:48
My Email:panther3@one.net.au


Rego Jones - 11/25/99 00:11:47
My Email:rego@asde.net

Old original Atari owner...passed through every generation of machine, hacked 'em all, still going strong.

Matthias Arndt - 06/29/99 16:42:33
My URL:http://come.to/asmsoftware
My Email:matthiasarndt@gmx.net
Favourite ST Game: Elite
Game U would most like to see working in Pacifist: Carrier Command

really cool page

Richard Tsukiji - 06/02/99 01:42:44
My Email:woa@jps.net

Have ST items for sale. Send email with your needs and I will let you kow if I have the items.

Kieran Coulter - 03/27/99 09:03:45
My Email:kiwi@magma.com
Favourite ST Game: Rogue(I must find it!)

Atari rules, man. I can't find Rogue, a game I accidentally encrypted on my ST, so I came here to whine about it!

Larry - 01/05/99 20:50:38
My Email:Rummelgabriel@netscape.net
Favourite ST Game: Defender of the crown, and alot more

I just found this site. I have five work 1040st's and a cabenet full of software. Some of the software I have has been damaged and I need to find replacements.can you help?

Chris Emmitt - 01/02/99 13:23:36
My URL:http://www.emmitt.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:chrisem@geocities.com
Favourite ST Game: Oids/Grav2
Game U would most like to see working in Pacifist: Oids

Nice big site! Here's a few tips though: Move all your links that go to other sites onto a separate Links page. Otherwise people will be leaving your site as soon as they visit it. The text on your main page is too big, even at 800x640 res. This last tip will benefit you most if you haven't done it already - Get a new Internet account with FreeServe. It's totally FREE for as long as you want! Check out www.freeserve.net

Patrick Wright - 12/15/98 23:52:14
My Email:HW4007@aol.com
Favourite ST Game: Don't have one
Game U would most like to see working in Pacifist: Don't know

Forget DX, nWo wolfpac 4 ever brother! Hey, any other wolfpac fans e-mail me! Hows your favorite wolfpac member? how would you want to see be a new wolfpac member?
BTW whos next? BIG SEXY KEVIN NASH!! thanx for the read!

10/19/98 08:16:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

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