Date: 26/5/00 What's New? HI just a quick update today :) added 2 new setions to the wav area, the young ones and some duckman clips. also fixed afew image probs with the alladvantage links. and i updated the email page. oh well until next time Gillams Online Keep sending in those emails i am here to help you guy's out if i can
Date: 14/5/00 What's New? HI just updated some things i bummed up on when i changed the interface. Fixed link to the S wavs Fixed link to the A emulators I have also have fixed the emailing system since it didnt work for some reason???? :( but hopefully now it will work great (fingures crossed) Right on too the good stuff i have decided that i will not do gameboy roms because most of them are newish and GOD they are slow at emulating i have a 433 64mg comp and it slows down to resemble something like a 386 :(< there are some new wavs comming very soon tho :) i just have to pull myself away for a new prog i have just downloaded "Macromedia Director" :) its a good program:) If your into making your own movies, CD menus etc i reckonmend this software :) well untill i can get off my butt too update this page i'll see ya oh yeah dont forget about emailing me
Date: 13/4/00 What's New? HI and welcome to my new site "Gillam's Online" :) i thought i had better change the name because of the move away from just being a Photoshop only site. But never fear i still have all the Photoshop stuff for you to download (over 90 mega bytes of zip files), to check them all out just choose the Photoshop link to your left To navigate this site just click on one of the side links your left. Two things may happen, a page may load in this frame or the alphabet will appear at the bottom of the screen, if the letters are blue/white then you can click on them if they are green then they havent any content. The font's-well if you have visted me at the old site you would know there was'nt any :( i will try harder over the next month or so Wav's-well i have two lots at the mo the Simpson's and afew South Park one's , i will try to get around to getting more but my tech work will just have to come first :) God i was racking my brains for new sections for the site so it wouldnt seem so empty (even tho the site is over a 100mb)so i came up with Emulatators and roms of very old games like the apple 2e and c64 stuff, please note THERE WILL NOT BE ANY ILLEGAL ROM's only stuff that compaies have no chance selling again. Another section i thought of was the Gillam links. This is there for Gillam's only i dont care if you arent even related to me :) Just the name oh yeah i will allow links too sites about Gillam Canada. Obviously this section will be left empty for a while untill one of you Gillam's come along Thats about it for now. If you have any ideas on what i could do to fill up the sections please email me before my brain die's :( cheers Gillam's Online