In the name of Allah SWT

New devices - always

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Electronics In Action

Embedded Controls and Smart Machines


By Engineer: Firas Faham

Embedded Speech and Controls Speech, control, automation, fire, security, EAS, embedded...

Up and running since 1978

Remote ElectronicsMini radios, wireless, TV, networks.

1. Wireless Recovery techniques html

Wireless radio signals lose their carrier and clock information when Phase Modulation is used to send voice and data. I will present a method of recovering these essential elements to insure that information is being communicated between wireless devices. Phase Modulation is one of the most powerfull methods used today in the wireless technology, when combined with Spread Spectrum they provide not only high speed communication but also reliable and secure.

2. Intro to MCU html

Designing with Microcontrollers is easy. This page describes what is needed for controlling the real world by any MCU or DSP chip. Easy to read and understand. Start controlloing the real world from your little machine.

3. MCU Modules html

Features that are very usefull to consider when selecting your Microcontroller. These features or modules are very powerfull when properly used and can give you great control over your devices such as controlling your home appliances, car, VCR, TV, Automatic Piolet controller, projectile, security systems, telephone machine and so on. The list is endless. Have your self a Microcontroller, but first read about it...

4. Intro to Assembly html

Assembly language is very powerfull. Each programming language has pros and cons and that applies to assembly as well. In this introduction we will see how to do simple control operation such as turning ON and OFF industrial machines or house appliances via the Assembly language.

5. EAS Systems - Concept & Design html

Electronic Article Surveillance - EAS - This is an introduction to the concept and design of the EAS system. The EAS system is basicaly composed of detection electronics, antenna, tag, activation, and deactivation units. It is intended to provide some securit and anti-theft protection for the merchandise in the market place in general. Contactct me should you need any assistance in designing any type of EAS system. Here is more inside the story...

6. EAS Antenna Multiplexer html

This system is intended to expand the capability of the single EAS deactivation system so it can handle two antennas at same time. It's chief objective is to reduce the power consumption, reduce cost and labor, speed up the product to market, and reduce work space required at the POS. I designed this system around power electronics, embedded controleers, communication hardware and software, interface electronics, and signal filtering and conditioning circuits.

7. Neural Networks html

  This paper discusses Neural Network (NN) and its applications in the real world. The origin of this study is also presented and its mathematical modeling is introduced along with graphical presentations. NN networks finds many real life applications and its embedded systems are rapidly growing as our modern life necessities it to make accurate and fast decisions electronically.

8. RF & EAS Technology power point

  File size 1.02 MB. Radio Frequency (RF) is presented in Power Point slides. This presentation illustrates the RF concepts, modulation schemes, access methods, encoding and decoding, and how it can be used with Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems. Feel free to use these slides for your personal use with the condition of crediting the auther - Firas Faham - by leaving auther name on slides.

9. Addressable Tags & RFID power point

The concept of addressable tags is explored and investigated for use with RF and microwave. The use of high speed DSP or MCU, detection algorithm presented, Smart Material, Micro Strip technology, dedicated management and detection software with these addressable tags can prove useful and powerful. You are welcome to use this presentation for personal use with the condition of giving credit to the author by leaving Firas Faham name on the slides.

10. CDMA system analysis MS DOC

File size 4.67 MB. This FREE paper presents the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology in a comparitive study. Both the DSSS and FHSS are compared from performance point of view such as security coding, noise immunity, interferrence, channel coding. The paper also introduced the nature of Correlation between performance of the system in terms of Capacity and Outage and Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal to Noise Ratio (Eb/No), the size of systems symbol set, number of users M, systems dimension victor d, units separation factor, Processing Gain, and propagation characteristics. You may copy this paper for your personal use with the condition of giving credit to the author by leaving Firas Faham name on the paper. To do so please right click on the mouse and then select Sava As. Thank you.

11. Production Line Monitor html

This low cost circuit will help you monitor Production Line stoppage or failure. It is basically a monitoring device that will trigger an alarm if the production line built is halted for any reason. Speed can be adjusted and circuit can be used in different applications powering up from single supply, battery or backup supply.

12. Amplifier Design html

I will present to you the basic BJT small signal amplifier by using the rule of thumb assumptions that can lead to very reliable results and within short period of time. Stability against temperature and aging variation are important considerations for this design. Betta factor, base to emitter voltage, biasing network are discussed in a plain language and made in a simplest it can be. Have a nice amplifier.

13. Coupling Stages html

This page illustrates the many different types of coupling methods, dircet DC coupling, AC coupling, transformer coupling, and opto coupling.

14. Amplifier Classes html

This page illustrates the types of amplifiers used in electronics devices, class A amplifier, class B, Class C. Each of them has different power requirement and gives different power effeciency.

15. Control System html

Control System studies the system behaviour and it response to various inputs and conditions. System initial state, stability, feedback network connected to it, and noise all play important role in determining the output at certain point of time. System response and signals are both presented in time and frequency domains...

16. Crystal Oscillator html

  Simple crystal oscillator based on colpits oscillator. This is very low cost, simple, and easy to construct. Use for your MCU, DSP, RF, and wireless projects. Notes will guide you in optomizing performance.

17. High Voltage Generation html

This circuit will guide you step by step in building a high voltage generation circuit. This circuit can be used in different applications such as litin flash light, self deffence, tesla coil demonstartion, animal repeller, spark show, ignition system, and many more. It is extremely important to observe saftey precautions when dealing with this circuit as this may cause harm if misused. Use at your own risk and play it safe...

18. Play Fireworks Safe html

Control fireworks remotely with this circuit. Simple to build and low cost. This circuit helps you reduce the risk of injury by popping fireworks remotely. Play at your own risk.

19. Electronic Components html

  Electronic Components functionally explained in a nutshell, no math, no equations, no mess. All what you need to know in a very simple and straight forward language. This will help you understand introductory electronics and how electronics work.

20. 555 Bullet html

  Designing with the old friend 555 timer. Up to the point and simple formulas and easy to understand. Included is schematic and quick lookup and go chart so you can fine tune your frequency later by adding pot. Can use in any project that need timer or square wave generator. Add low pass filter and convert square wave to other wave shapes so you can use any where even in your wireless AM transmitter or RFID circuits.

21. Transistor Driver html

This simple circuit will help you drive relativley larger power loads by small signal levels as low as a voltage signal from single wrist watch small cell battery. Depending on the load power rating a relay is selected accordingly. Use output signal from your RC toy car, MCU, or any other low power source to drive any high power devices even your laundry machine and you TV set. Please CAUTION when handling high power devices.

22. Pulse Separator html

This circuit describes how to separate a pulse used in the rada system, TV sync circuit, or any pulse generating circuit that is potentially mixed or distorted with other sources of interferring signals such as high voltage spikes or strong sources of noises.

23. Useful Circuits html

Here are a bunch of useful circuits that are used in different designs. More to come.

24. Missing Pulse Detector html

This circuit detects a missing pulse from a train of negative pulses. Uses include the detection of speed change, change in process, missing item in the conveyor belt, or any similar action.

25. Various Schematics 1 html

This page presents simple circuits including Counter, general amplification, and smart switch I used in one of my projects.

26. Various Schematics 2 html

This page presents simple circuits includingregulator with high input voltage and loop circuit monitor I used in one of my projects.

27. Various Schematics 3 html

This page presents simple circuits including Diplexer Circuit and EMI Filter I used in one of my projects.

28. Various Schematics 4 html

This page presents simple circuits including Saw Tooth Generator (similar to TV H&V scan circuits), Phase Cancelling Antenna, and Telephone Interface circuits I used in my projects.

29. Electric Fields html

This tutorial presents the basics of Electric Fields and the interaction between charged objects. The interaction between objects depends on charge and distance. Peek into this page and find out...

30. LCR circuit html

This paper introduces LCR circuit in a nut shell. Included are the Lead Lag circuits, Inductive and Capacitive circuits, and their victor representation. Also you will find equations on calculating different types of Inductors and thire relation to the wire gauge AWG.

31. Down Loads html

This link contains some usefull downloads...

32. Projects html

Here are some of the projects I have had during my spare time and at professional level...

33. PCBs in Action html

In this area you will see some of my designs on PCB and in action. Scroll down the page for more of my PCBs.

34. How I did all of that ? html

Here is how I came up with my website, graphics, movies, technologies and the rest. It takes dedication, time, and faith to accomplish your goals. It takes more energy for someone to blame others than to build oneself. A thousend miles journey starts with the first step, remeber that...

35. Selected Quotes html

  This link may give you energy, light, power, and induce the strong desire within you to be the best you can be. Never underestimate what you can accomplish and unleash the greatness within you... Each one of us is good in one way or another and our collective efforts can make the earth we live in a beautiful heaven.


If you need technical supports or have a suggestion contact me at: 

Firas Faham, C. Eng., P. Eng, BSEE

Qualified - we love electronics


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Firas Faham