In pictures 1, 2, 3  there is test  measurement from the work desk to ceilings. It shows 2.10 meters.
Adding 8 cm box the meter shows the distance 2.01 m.

This picture shows the inside of measuring head.  The generator is placed in the center. It has output going to the right through circulator to output waveguide. Small signal is also transfered to the left through second circulator to mixer .

These are images, which were made outside. You can see the distance to fense and S/N ratio. Still working fine on level -21.3 dB without swiched on preamplifier.  Additional noise comes from trees amd building.

Lady was passing by with a dog. She allowed me to take a shot. As meter is showing the largest measurement by amplitude, it showed the distance to them 11.64 m, S/N -6.2 dB .

The author of experiments ...

Brief Technical information:
                 Movement detection head:
                                                                            Nom.                             Max.
                                - Power supply               +9V +5%                +8.0 ........+10.0
                                - Reg. voltage                +5.....+18V                 0 .......... +30V
                                - Temperature               20 + 10 C               -40 .......... + 50
                                - Output power                                                      <  20 mW
                                - Fr. range                                                  8.0 ......  12.0 Ghz
                                - Work deviation                > 0.6 Ghz
                                - parasitic AM in mixer                                     < 20  mV


Measuring   system  -   Spectrum analysis
Calibration system  -  Prime frequency calibration with service generator -
                         small signal generator on one GaAs transistor with ceramic resonator 10.0 Ghz.
Voltage formation -  14bit, 160 Khz with linearization and  programmed secondary deviation
Measurement  - 10 bit, 256 points ( max 1024)
Sensivity - 2 bits
Digital filtering method - designed in BEE Ltd.  ( in our case much better than "Hemming window")

Preamplifier - 0,+20dB, +40dB
Calculation error   < 5 mm, with inside test control system
Deviation 420 Mhz ( 900 Mhz )
Power consumption       Head                   - 70 mA
                                        Schematics         -  60 mA
                                        Display              -  + aditional 150 mA (differs from lightening)
Power 12 V

Distance 2 - 45 meters ( could be selected)
***Error in all range ( S/N > -3 dB)  max 5 cm
***Maximum error  ( S/N < -20 dB)  20 cm.

Connection with PC - through RS232

Additional  engineering parameters not shown in pictures:
object, signal maximum to be measured and shown,
dielectric object longiness ( in % of distance) - with selected object and secondary deviation,
temperature, data storage.

Additional parameters to be implemented:
speech, service functions.
