Welcome to INVERTER page.

  On this time we are working in two fields.
  1. Power sawings and AC motor drivers.
        Year ago we visited factory in Auce, Latvia . They are making band-saws for wood and metal cutting. We made design of inverter 1.5 kW for such wood band-saw.

    In the second image You can see the electronics. Motor inverter is the upper. This is first generation with manual control. Driving is done by one 4-direction button joystick, it is connected with block by serial protocol ( to avoid any interference, shortcut, missing contacts,) by simple 2 wires, one of them is common gnd. The block drives two AC motors with individual
32 parameters, from 15 degrees rotor turn ( it gives motion step 0.25 mm)  to 1-120HZ, end switches, electronic brakes,
serial port for parameter setting, all algo'es on one Sx28 controller ( CLK - 50 MHz). We suppose to be  the most cost effective  way. The program was written by helps of  C-compiler for Scenix controllers.
     The lower is the soft start and energy economizer on thyristors for the main motor.
 We now do the design of electronic measurement system for linear movement. Adding it to saw  will give semiautomatic regime.

    Another project of inverter is finished. It drives 5 kW  3-phase AC motor. Pictures will be soon.
