This Page Belongs to (Shruthi)
I was born on Jan 23rd, 2001 at 7.55 P.M (Canadian time) in Queensway Carleton Hospital. I am such a good girl right from the beginning. My eyes are a little brown, hair colour is black and weighed only 5 pounds and 5 Ounce ! My mom and dad love me so much.
This page is about my activities, what I eat, my hobbies etc.

My mom created this for me (Sep 26, 2001 ) and will hopefully update it when she has a little spare time !.
I like playing in the water, in the bathtub.. I also like playing with my mom. I like watching ad.'s and music !! Aishwarya rai is my favourite dancer... I started walking now..It was on Jan 21st, 20002 that I could walk 10 to 15 steps with out falling. Well, I wanted to do it before my first birthday. I now has 6 teeth.. Tell me how I look in Pattupavada that my mom stiched for my first birthday. See another picture of mine.. My friends: Kevin& Kalvin
I love my mom, dad, grand parents, cousine sisters and cousine brothers. My mother, is my role model. She's really smart. (Shh... The reason is ..she is the one who made this web page for me :-)). I sing and dance with her..